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Welcome Introduction

We would like to welcome you today for electing to be a part of our "Rising Above the Norm Spiritual Focus Blog". We are so excited that you have decided to join this Interactive Focus Blog. We will post daily biblical and spiritual lessons to empower, encourage, engage, enlighten and enrich you on your spiritual journey. At, any time feel free to join our discussion conversation. Again, I say welcome. "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you" (Matthew 6:33).

Father God, I welcome everything that comes my way today because I know that it will work out for my good. I welcome all thoughts, feelings, emotions, situation and circumstances that are coming against me; because it all for my good. Although, I am in a daily battle between “the flesh” and “the spirit”. I realize as long as I'm this earthly body, I’m going to be a very fierce battle with my fallen nature on a daily basis. Although, I cannot live according to both nature simultaneously and live a life pleasing to Your will. Today, I realize and understand that I can longer afford to walk under deception and misleading of the evil one. Because, my old nature will never give up trying to rule my new nature. As, long as I'm in this earthly vessel I will continue to fight the good fight of faith. Lord, I take authority over my life today and speak life into my darkened and distressful situation because, I'm more than conqueror through Christ Jesus. I know that my old identity will always try to hijack my new identity in order to have its own way. Thank You Lord for sending the Holy Spirit to indwell within me to empower me with the tools to counteract against any old nature impulses. Father God, grant me the ability to speak kindly, respond gently during adverse challenges; Lord, I want my actions and reactions to please You. I pray that You will enable me to understand how important it is for me to walk in my new authority and power, which I’ve received from You. So, when the world looks at me, they should see that I’m a new creation in Christ as well as the reflection of You. In our Lord and Savior name we pray. Amen.I’m still living in this flesh I pray Father that You will to strengthen me so that I can continue to

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