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Metamorphosis Process: Part 1

This is our introduction blog lesson for Rising Above the Norm, which is in reference to a Christian Metamorphosis Process. Therefore, one of the changes that we know well of is the metamorphosis (transformation) when caterpillars become butterflies, but what do we Christians have in common with the caterpillar and the butterfly? The word metamorphosis originates from the Greek word “metamorphōsis”, which refers to "change". In nature, this change occurs to the form and structure of the body (tissues and organs), and in insects this transformation takes place in four stages: Egg; larva (caterpillar – young stage); pupa or chrysalis (cocoon) and finally adulthood (butterfly). When they are within the cocoon, the caterpillar turns into a pupa. This is the intermediate stage between larva and adulthood, that is, is it the birth of a new form and the “death” of the other. But while the caterpillar only goes through one stage to become a butterfly, the Christian goes through many phases.

The body is like a worm, often without color or external definitions. There is no beauty in a larva! It does not resemble what we see flying near flowers in bloom with so much beauty. But until it climaxes as the beautiful butterfly and flies away, the process which it passes through is a painful. However, only the final state the way they are, to get where and as they are now, they were suffering alone this metamorphosis. For several weeks the caterpillar suffers in a tight place, they also do not eat, and all this transformation is very painful. The cocoon is not a nice place for any creature that passes through the metamorphic process.

And it also happens to us. Jesus transforms us completely, erasing a past full of faults, sins and “dirt” and writing a new history of life for us which comes as a story of peace. There will become a time when the “caterpillar” will become a “butterfly”. And it’s not easy to endure all this transformation, because everything involved changes, and its a very comfortable situation bringing about much pain. It’s not easy for the caterpillar to spend days getting trapped in the dark, tight cocoon, unable to see the light or understand the painful process. After, Christ changes our lives, at that very moment we must totally surrender our will to His will; and our ways to His ways. This is when God needs to transform us and use us for His glory and will, but many resist this transformation because its pain. This metamorphosis process involves the death of your “self–image”, “self–ambition” which known as “ego”. At this moment you realize that your desires and your carnal pleasures must die so that Christ can reign Supreme over your life. This physical and moral change requires rejections to our attitudes, postures, and thoughts, which for years have been cultivated and constructed by our “old man” or “old nature”. This change from an old behavior to a new behavior will hurt, because it goes to help you develop spiritual growth and immaturity. Many times, it may seem that we can’t do it, but the Word of God tells us that as this metamorphosis happens in our lives, we will transform into new creatures. This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun, according to (2 Corinthians 5:17).

In the middle of this word “metamorphosis” is “amor” (love). And it is through the love of God that we become “butterflies”. Allow yourself to be “metamorphosed” (transformed) by the hands of the Creator, and live a new life, a new birth and a new spiritual structure.

Jesus replied, “Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). Because the Holy Spirit dwells within us, our entire exterior is another now. But just as butterflies transform their organs during metamorphosis, our interior also needs to be changed completely, as it is no use to make a change externally without having one internally. Our inner need is to have the aroma or fragrance of Christ’s life in us.

Scripture tells us that the transformation (metamorphosis), the Christian life is through the renewal of the understanding. Where the metamorphosis should happen is not only in the body or in the behavior, but mainly in our mind (thought process). And we must pay attention to this because our minds play important roles in a Christian life. For a genuine transformation it is necessary to leave the old behavior, thoughts and ways behind; according to Ephesians 4:22–24.

All butterflies were once caterpillars. In this process of metamorphosis, the believer will leave behind sins, errors, defects of character and anything that identifies it with the world. But the metamorphosis is not just a process of letting go of the things that displease God. It is also a process of building spirit and building character. In this process we acquire virtues that will make us more like Jesus Christ with each day.

There are people who never fail to be larva, who die attached to the cocoon. as well as that, little butterflies need to exert great force to break free from the cocoon. We also need strength to move forward but many give up, dropping his cross halfway. Some even manage to get out of the cocoon but have no power to achieve high flight. Unfortunately, many are suffering a kind from "spiritual involution”, and return to the old nature and way, in which many believers will return to the ways of the world. We must learn how to die to the world system, to die to self agendas, denying one's selfish ambitions, denying carnal lusts and sinful desires. These all the things that are displeasing to God in their worldly life, because the “death” for the Christian is something noble too. The “self” needs to increase or reduce so that God will grow, now God calls you today for a renewal of your body, mind and soul. “Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me” (Matthew 16:24). Butterflies are so beautiful that some call them “winged flowers” and “flying jewels”. Christians are also rare jewels for the Lord. Sin made the human being an ugly and disgusting caterpillar, but God’s plan is to turn us into butterflies. We must understand that the Lord will transform us, while using us to make a difference for the Kingdom of God.

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