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Weekly Prayer for March 12-16, 2018

I pray that today be a blissful and peaceful start of an outstanding week for you and your family. May you day begin with God’s goodness, grace and mercy. May you be blessed with joyfulness, peace, and delight. May your days be filled with light, and your nights be filled serenity. May the Lord make your rough roads smooth, and your crooked path straight. May the joy of the Lord continue to be your strength and His peace continue to fill your heart with contentment and tranquility.

Father God, I pray that You enlightened and enriched your children hearts with truth and inflame their heart with Your unconditional love. I ask that you inspire then with your courage, enrich their life with service, pardon them from the old nature and sanctify them in the new man. As, You order their steps, guard their hearts and protect their minds all from areas of deception of the evil one. Heavenly Father pray that You will never leave Your side and allow Your Spirit to guide them into their new beginning and newness of life that will usher them into understanding new mysteries and revelations. I know that everything is under Your authority, control and power so teach them how to wait on Your divine purpose to be relieved in their lives. Thank You, for all your blessings and benefits that has been bestowed in their lives.

Thank You, Father for Your beloved Son Jesus who carries my burden(s) daily. Father, I love You and will give You all the glory, honor and praise for You deserve it and You are worthy of it. In Jesus marvelous and mighty name I do pray as I exalt Your name on High. Amen! Amen! Amen!

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