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Being Transformed by Renewing Your Mind: Part 2

Second Example of Renewing Mind: Eagle

An example of “renewing process” comes from the eagle who is a symbol of this “spiritual transformation”. God uses the eagle as a symbol of this transformation process because the eagle is the only bird whose whole physical strength is literally renewed after each molting season. In other words, only after the eagle has “put off” old feathers, does it actually receive “new” physical strength to soar above their enemies. And it’s the same with you, when you “put off” the old and “put on” the new, you too receive God’s supernatural strength to soar above your enemies.

God uses the eagle as a symbol of your renewal and transformation because the eagle again comes from the only bird family that has “telescopic sight,” a kind of “zoom-in-focus” lens. An eagle can search out objects literally miles away, indistinguishable to the human eye. Eagles can see a quarter from over 200 yards away and a rabbit from over a mile away. This of course, increases their ability to judge and discern the true situation.

Your mind when it is renewed by God’s Spirit has the same supernatural ability. You are now able to judge, discern and pick up things that the natural eye (natural mind) would never be able to see or understand. You are given the supernatural wisdom and ability to discern the true situation and see everything that happens to you from God’s advantage point.

There are doors to our mind and most of these doors can be closed or shut by us any time we want. These doors have heavy and noisy traffic that can be influence by the world system. Listed are doors that affect your mind:

The main door to our mind is none other than the eyes This is the Word of God enters first because of visual perspective, the Word will be able to renew your mind and eventually your heart. Therefore, if you allow obscene pictures enter your mind through your eyes, you allow your mind and heart remain evil and wicked influences that will contaminated your purpose. The Word of God is alive and the Word is used to purify the mind and the heart. Because, it will edify and motivate the heart with the things of God.

The ear is another door that is constantly open to all kinds of things that are seen as good or bad. Many believers oftentimes will behave differently because of what they hear, in which what they hear might not be the truth according to the Word of God. Unlike the eyes, you cannot automatically or instantly shut off or turn to another direction to avoid hearing something. The only way of course is to delay or hindered, but still we can choose to hear the Word of God or choice to follow our own will. God surely has given us responsibility to use our ears wisely, so don’t let the ear be too eager receive gossips, lies and rumors.

The mouth (the tongue) which is another prevalent door. “Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips” (Psalm 141:3). You must be ready for mental combat that is learning how to guard your lips, tongue and words that come from your mouth. Because, the Bible says that “life and death is in the power of the tongue”. Therefore, we have total control over speaking things into existence just by the words that we speak. James says, although the tongue is a little member it is a very dangerous member in the body, because it can cause the most danger to contaminate the body, mind and spirit.

The nose can pose a giant problem. The nose will actually warn us what is good or bad, but not necessary so too. People are attracted to certain smell, which can bring back memories. Such as, if you were to give flowers to an individual, it may bring back good memories like flowers from a wedding. On the other hand, the same flowers can trigger bad memories from inner child crisis; death or funeral; or hostile relationship or marriage. This is not a physical reaction to the flowers or their smell; it is a reaction from the individual soul.

The touch of the hands happens to be a bridge to our body. So, we need to be cautious at all times before we permit whatever through the various doors. We must know that the Word of God must be permitted to enter if we want an inner transformation to occur in our lives accordingly.

Components of Your Mind:

The mind is the key to the Christian life. Therefore, having a renewed mind and putting off your own negative thoughts and putting on the mind of Christ is the only way you can begin to see everything that happens to you from God’s perspective and not get buried by your own murky ambitions, dreams and visions.

The Intellect (the mind’s “library”)

The intellect has the capacity to gain knowledge and use it in thought. It has the ability to learn and associate.

Imagination (the mind’s “eye”)

The imagination has the capacity to create possibilities and form new ideas with the mind, and to envision them internally. It has the ability to create pictures in the mind.

Memory (the mind’s “flash drive”)

The memory has the capacity to recall information, experiences, events, feelings, and thoughts experienced by the mind. It has the ability to remember.

Emotion (the mind’s “voice”)

The emotions have the capacity to experience inner passions in association with particular events, memories, experiences, or thoughts. It has the ability to feel.

Emotions are the voice of your thoughts.

Emotion tells you what and how you are thinking.

Emotion may also arise in response to physical events occurring in the body - hormonal changes, illness, or various stressors.

Reason/Will (the mind’s “judge”)

Has the capacity to consider information, make judgments between conflicting options, viewpoints, or courses of direction, and initiate action by the mind or body.

It has the ability to choose.

Lastly,As you renew your minds, it’s true, you’ll be transformed back into God’s image, which is what God intended for you all along. A godly mindset affords great peace and strength. In order to change wrong mindset, you need to exchange your old thoughts for new ones. You must feed your hearts and minds on the truth of God’s Word and keep those right images in your minds until they replace your old mindsets.

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