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Being Transformed by Renewing Your Mind: Part 3

Kimley Dunlap-Slaughter

Mind Diet:

Truthful Things:

Your minds need to be rooted in truth, or real facts. You need to test your thoughts to be sure you are accurate and grounded in Scripture. The opposite of truth is lies, deception, and fantasy.

Honorable Things:

This means your thoughts need to respect God, others, and yourself. You need to think honorably towards others.

Right or Righteous Things:

Your minds need to feed on things that reflect righteousness, justice, and the kingdom of God.

Pure Things:

You should allow no unclean or morally polluted things, including those that are sexually impure, to taint your minds.

Lovely Things:

You need to feed on beautiful sights, sounds, and relationships.

If something is ugly or unattractive to your flesh, you need to avoid it in your minds.

Admirable Things:

To admire something or someone is to feel inspired by them.

You need to find people and things that inspire admiration within you and focus your attention on them. You are drawn to what you admire - good or bad.

Excellent Things:

Your minds need a quality diet. Excellence means beyond mediocre or average.

You need to read books, associate with people, and be in environments that challenge you to rise above the status quo and reach your potential.

Praiseworthy Things:

One way to defeat dark thinking habits is to focus on things for which you can thank and praise God. If your mind is drifting towards the negatives in your life, immediately imagine one thing for which you can sincerely thank and praise God.

It can be anything, begin to verbalize to God your praise and thanks, while allowing yourself to feel grateful. This one action alone has a powerful effect in resetting the mind; and breaking negative thinking cycles.

“For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.” (Romans 8:5-8)

A great tool to help you in renewing your mind is to declare the promises of God over your life and situation. There is power in your words, because your prayers are powerful and effective and speaking the truth over yourself, your situation, the people in your life and your view on God will all help you in renewing your mind. You can and will prosper in those areas of your life where you apply God’s word. When you renew the mind to the word of God, by studying scripture and applying them to your situation, then your body, mind and soul will come in line with the benefits of the salvation/healing Jesus provided at Calvary. I Corinthians 2:16 says, “For who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ.” According to this scripture you have the mind of Christ. Walking in the wholeness of the mind of Christ is an everyday task that may take a lifetime. You must acquire His mind by diligently studying the Word and applying it to your life. The more you study the word of God, the more you will have His mind to think, act, and go through life successfully. You will stumble because you do not have positive solutions for the situations you may find yourself surrounded by, because you do not walk in the light of the Word. Therefore, if you chose to neglect your minds good health, not tend to it, then it will gravitate towards evil and be overpowered. Mark 7:15 Jesus says, “There is nothing that enters a man from outside which can defile him; but the things which come out of him, those are the things that defile a man.”

Renew or renewed means “to make new again” or “to remove”. The thought conveyed by this word is not to make something new that has never existed before. Renew means to repair and recondition something that is old or broken down in order to make it far superior to what it was before. Thus, if you are to be transformed into the very image of Christ so that you think like Him and act like Him, you must repair your minds and make it far superior to what you were before you were saved. It is clear that the Christian life is mind war for the whole Christian warfare which takes place in your mind. Satan knows that if he can control and manipulate your mind, he can control and manipulate you. Thus, enemy continually seeks to attack you through your mind.

On the other hand, if you develop the mind of Christ, you will be mighty through God to the pulling down strongholds and stumblingblocks. You will have consistent victory over Satan, once your minds are recreated and renewed so that you think like Christ and act like Christ, you will have victory in the Christian life. This is why Paul said, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:5). The mind is a powerful force; it can enslave you or empower you. It can plunge you into the depths of misery or take you to the heights of ecstasy, by learning to use the power wisely. The importance of renewing your mind is to put off immoral, negative and corrupt thinking and putting on thoughts of God. Think about it this way. The things you see and hear go into your memory. The more you do something, see something, hear something, the more of your memory is taken up by those things. For example, those who are into viewing lustful images and things have a tremendous problem overcoming this problem.

The process involves replacing the existing ungodly content with new Godly content. The renewing of a person’s mind needs to become one of the very first priorities in your new life with Christ. All of the ungodly content did not get there overnight and it does not leave overnight; it is a process. Renewing the mind means to replace fallible worldly knowledge and logic with the infallible logic of God's truth. The renewing process starts with reading the Bible. That is why reading the word is so important; God’s Word acts as a spiritual detergent by replacing the garbage in your mind with God-inspired content. That is why it is so critical what you watch, what you listen to. Because what comes and enters into your mind ultimately manifests itself in your day-to-day decisions and actions. The reason most new believers fall away is that they never successfully clean out the old thoughts and information in their mind with clean God-inspired information. It is similar to programming a computer. The computer basically does exactly what the program says. Your mind reacts based on the program that is in your mind. If that program is full of ungodly information, you have a greater chance of being involved in ungodly activities. If it is God-inspired content, then you are more likely to be involved in God-honoring activities. “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth” (Colossians 3:2).

This basic concept of renewing your mind is the most important process any believer can go through. Many have been walking with Christ for many years, yet have never really totally cleaned out their mind. They have learned how to compartmentalize their mind and keep the ungodly content in a back closet, hidden away in the back. But remember this if you refuse to deal with those secret closet issues, this will ultimately result in major problems in your life at some point. Mind renewal is critical, because God wants you to have His mind, His thoughts, and His viewpoint in every situation in your life. He wants you to have the supernatural ability to discern everything that happens to you from His vantage point and His perspective, and not get bogged down and buried by your own negative thoughts and feelings or by what you can “see” going on around your. You must learn how to see things from God’s perspective, then you’ll be able to “soar” above your circumstances, your difficulties, and your problems and not surrender to them.

K.L.Slaughter Ministries, Inc. | Women of Excellence, Rising Above the Norm

Our women's ministries are designed to help women of God achieve and reach their purpose through demonstrating obedience and submission to God’s divine will and living so that they can walk in the life, that God has predestined for them.


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