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A title without function never advances the Kingdom or the church. The title is to match the job description of the office that it represents. Responsibility, dedication, faithfulness, and loyalty to purpose therefore becomes the key to determining whether what you are doing is worthy of the title that's attached to your life. Some people walk around with titles their entire life without ever doing what that title represents. Then there are others that are not glory seekers who spend their lives doing what they were called to do, and the title is so irrelevant that they spend very little time trying to validate who they are. Therefore, the function becomes much more important than the title you have attached to your name. Further, some people will find their purpose in a different arena outside church. But if you are living your life with purpose you will understand that whatever it is will be "filtered back to the local church in some way Then if you are living your life on purpose, you will find the way God determined for you to do it. God will also never give you purpose that will take you away from the local church for an extended period of time. If you are, you cease to live with accountability and without accountability you risk becoming backslidden oftentimes without ever realizing it.

Purpose must be understood and viewed as when we move forward with your life goals for our personal, professional and spiritual duties; we must have and maintain a Kingdom mindset, there are times when you will do some things that are needed and useful to assist in building the church up. However, these duties or responsibilities should not be held onto so tightly that there is no room for the person that comes into the church with that task being linked to their purpose. We are living from the perspective of desire and existing in this carnal (fashion) appeases the flesh and often appeals to your pride or ego. Our desire is a powerful Biblical principle, but desire alone will not necessarily produce manifested purpose. In other words, the reality is that most of us live from the perspective of desire and not purpose as we try to live out our existence fulfilling the plans that we have in our hearts.

Living life on purpose, it must be realized that although we all have purpose not everyone will live their lives from the perspective of purpose. In similar fashion there are many who desire to live with purpose but do not know how to do it. This is because they do not know what purpose is. If you desire living your life with purpose and doing so on purpose, you first must know what that purpose is. The Bible clearly lays out some of the prerequisites for doing this, but some Christians want to leap frog the process not understanding that doing so causes them to forfeit the very purpose that they're sincerely pursuing. Purpose is approximately that we understand that God wants to do through us and not only does it bring us satisfaction, but living with purpose and on purpose, it expands God's sphere or range of rule and authority referred to as His Kingdom. You can have a desire and that desire have nothing to do with God's purpose at all. You can desire a new car, home, husband or wife, a new job and the list can go on.

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