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21 – Day Intercessor Prayer Challenge

Prayer is a commandment of God, in which God has commanded us to pray to Him, and to Him alone. In times of distress, we must turn to G‑d for help; in times of comfort, we must express our gratitude to God; and when all goes well with us, we must still pray to God daily that He continue to show us His mercy and grant us our daily needs. Intercessory prayer is not the same as prayers for yourself, or for ‘enlightenment’, or for spiritual gifts, or for guidance, or any personal matter, or any glittering generality. Intercession is not just praying for someone else’s needs. Intercession is praying with the real hope and real intent that God would step in and act for the positive advancement of some specific other person(s) or other entity. It is trusting God to act, even if it’s not in the manner or timing we seek. God wants us to ask, even urgently. It is casting our weakness before God's strength, and (at its best) having a bit of God’s passion burn in us.

This 15 –Day Intercessory Prayer is not about getting God to follow our plan, but actively praying for the strongholds in other people’s lives to line up with God’s Word. It’s a battle against evil spiritual powers that requires courage and diligence. In fact, Paul reminded the church to “pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere” (Ephesians 6:18).

Intercessor prayer is not a prayer of praise, an unloading of one’s own burdens, or a “daily bread” prayer. Instead, it is a pointed, persistent pleading on behalf of someone else for a deep need. Specifically, in the New Testament, we read that Jesus and the Holy Spirit interceded on behalf of God’s people for various reasons, but the most prominent were these; ability and admission. Praying for others is called intercessory prayer because you intercede or ask something on behalf of someone else. Also, when we pray for others, we pray about specific needs we know they have. Other times, when we don’t know their needs, we may simply ask God to bless them and this were the challenge comes in. Now, as a seasoned warrior, you need to know the heart of God for His people and children; so that we can receive divine intervention for our churches, our families, our ministries (Outreach and Inreach), our neighborhoods as well as our nation and the world.

We will be incorporating the 15 Day Intercessor Prayer Challenge from May 1st – May 15th. Each day on this page we will post the challenge for the day along with an inspirational Scripture to help you maintain emotional empowerment, mental clarity, physical willpower and spiritual endurance. So, that you can understand the true purpose of spiritual warfare and the weapons that we are to use in spiritual battle from day to day. This intercessor prayer challenge has been mandated and received by the Lord, so that we can help strengthen others along this journey in life known as “divine purpose”. We have been tapped in the spirit to lead this 15–Day arbitration in on behalf of family, friends and loved ones who are going through emotional turmoil while dealing with physical attacks within their bodies as well. This challenge is not for the “weak” nor “fainthearted” those who are only concern about what God can do for them next. This is for the “season saint” who has no problem celebrating others victory while they may be waiting for their own. As, we know that Christ is already in the middle our current or ongoing situation, we will stand in the gap for someone who doesn’t know how to war in the spirit for themselves. As well as those who have lost hope and doubt is now bringing them day and nightmares about what their tomorrows will hold. We will stand up for righteous sake believing that our God can do all things but fail and He will make a way of escape for His people. This challenge will help you stand strong against the “cares of this life” and “the wiles of the devil.”

To serve the Lord faithfully, you must understand and follow these principles of prayer, in order to help you survive this 15–Day Challenge. The Challenge of this intercession is about, what will you gain interceding for others, what you will gain from interceding for others; and the importance of interceding for someone else. Intercession is needed if you are going to change earthly and spiritual atmosphere, for it calls intercessors to go to the throne of grace. It’s a tool of government, power, and intimacy with God for you and the individuals that you are interceding for, because Jesus is the ultimate Intercessor, and it helps us to become more like Jesus.

This Prayer Challenge will help us to look outside our circumstances, cultures, and comfort zones, in which will create an opportunity to move and focus our hearts on matters that are important to Kingdom business and establishment here on earth. Prayer for our local communities and world opens our minds to opportunities to “go and do” while fulfilling the Great Commission.This challenge will help you build and increase your prayer life, as you begin to line your prayer with worship anchored in the Word of God. Just keep in mind, that a prayer servant will also experience some suffering from carrying your cross. How do you know that you are a faithful servant? Listed are some key characteristics:

We must remember that the purpose of intercession is to establish the will of the Father on earth. The Old Testament instructs us as such: “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14 NKJV). Then from God’s purpose far outreaches the comprehension of the average churchgoer. However, within the broad scope of His plan we can approach the Father on behalf of others, praying as He has instructed us. Through the medium of prayer, we are instrumental in establishing the intercession of Jesus on earth. Another purpose of intercession is to defend or vindicate someone or his actions. We cannot do this while holding anything against the person for whom we are praying. In order to pray for others, we must forgive. Unforgiveness is the primary hindrance to answered prayer. As God’s ambassadors we hold the ministry of reconciliation. “Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, 19 that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:19 NKJV). In addition, praying is imperative that we continue in faith, conjoining with God’s plan, praying always without getting weary or becoming spiritual weak during the warfare. God’s eternal plan will be consummated. We must remember that it is not people we are to act against; it is the devil and his demonic forces. Do not approach God with accusations against your brothers and sisters; they are not your enemies. To pray against any other human being, even our worst enemy, is to misuse the prayer of intercession.

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