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The Power of Intercessory Prayer

12 Powerful Prayers You Need In Your War Room:

1. A Prayer for Closer

Relationship with God:

Lord, I pray that I can develop a closer relationship with Father. I want to come in agreement with who You have designed and positioned me to become. Lord, I pray that you will break every chain and down the wall that is hindering me from having a closer relation and closer walk with You. Lord, I no longer walk under the spirit of fear and pride that keep me from knowing who I became when I embraced Jesus’ sacrificial love on the Cross. I invite Your Holy Spirit to convict me of any sin that I have committed that separates me from the full knowledge of You and my place in Your family. Amen!

2. A Prayer for Divine Favor:

Lord, today I pray for divine and unmerited favor as I look to the hills from which comes my help because all my help comes from You. Thank you for the influence you have given me before You and man. Lord, I decree and declare that I have favor in Your sight and in the sight of man. Father, I pray that my joy shall be multiplied today as I receive unlimited favor in the name of Jesus. Thank you, Father, for your unmerited favor that is going doors right now so that I can move forward to do great and mighty things to help build Your Kingdom. Amen!

3. A Prayer for God’s Will Over Your Life:

Lord, I pray of Your will over my life as I walk under Your goodness, grace and mercy while I continue to put all my faith and confidence in You. Grant us Your wisdom when addressing difficult subjects. Let us see and hear the other’s heart with the spiritual wisdom that You freely give. Teach us to speak truth to each other in love. As we navigate these days together, let our words and actions toward the other be compassionate, humble, patient, gentle, and kind.

4. A Prayer for Godly


Father God, I pray that you will rear down any misconceptions and misunderstanding that is waging spiritual warfare in my mind by controlling my thoughts with doubt and fear. Lord help me to walk after Your guidance and discernment while allowing the Holy Spirit to live according to wisdom. Today, I ask that you give me peace that surpasses all understanding as I put all my conviction in Your hands. Lord, keep me on the straight and narrow path so that I don’t become causalities of mental sickness and disease.

5. A Prayer for Meditating


Lord, today I pray that I can be more like you while I remain consecrated before the throne of grace so that I can pursue the heavenly things that you have spoken about in Philippians 4:8. Holy Spirit help me to remain focus on the holy things as I meditate on the things that are important to You.

“Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things” (Philippians 4:8 NKJV).

6. A Prayer for Newness Of Life:

Lord, help me to walk in this newness of life so that I can walk out my purpose according what has been predestined over my life. Because of Your supreme love for us we are not consumed by Your wrath nor do we receive our deserved penalty for sin. Instead we are forgiven, cared for and loved by You. Thank You Jesus for laying down Your life down so that I can be raised up to newness of life. As my old nature is crucified with You and now I no longer have to walk in my sinful nature that thrives, but Christ’s spiritual nature who lives in us expressing His love, goodness and righteousness through our words, thoughts and deeds that glorify Him. May we be as a sweet aroma to You today. Amen.

7. A Prayer for Obedient Heart:

Lord, I need Your help to guard my heart against bitterness, selfishness, and temptation to pursue the attention of other men. Father, I need you to guide me as a gentle shepherd by leading me away from the activities and relationships that would keep me from prioritizing our marriage over every other earthly relationship. Lord, set me high above all the doubters and pessimists of the world. I know that I will experience all bountiful benefits and immeasurable blessings, because I choose to walk with an obedient heart. Help me to take every thought captive and as I surrender my heart and life to You in true obedience and godly humility. Amen!

8. A Prayer for Peace of Mind:

Lord, I pray that you will purify my mind, Lord. Transform my thoughts by the power of Your Word. Show me where and when my thoughts do not agree with Your thoughts. Loving God, please grant me peace of mind and calm my troubled heart; so that I can put all my confidence and hope in Your hands. I know that You will heal my broken heart, troubled mind and distress will. Just as the sun rises each day against the dark of night. Please, ignite in me an unquenchable desire to see him as You see him. Let Your Holy Spirit be my husband-appreciating coach, pointing out to me his noble and praiseworthy attributes. Amen!

9. A Prayer for Your Miracle Power:

Lord, I confess my sins to you today, and repent against any and all immorality, ungodliness unrighteousness. I bound in heave every evil spirit that is hindering my miracle from happening in my life, I pray for spiritual breakthrough against evil to clear the way for more miracles to occur in my life. I believe that prayer has the power to potentially change any current situation, even the most challenging ones, in miraculous ways. In Jesus name, I do pray. Amen!

10. A Prayer for the Spirit

of Forgiveness:

Lord, as You have forgiven me so should I learn how to forgive others, as I allow Your Spirit to fill my heart with compassion, kindness and understanding. Lord, please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me walk in the spirit of forgiveness today and forevermore. In Jesus name, Amen!

11. A Prayer for Spiritual

Unity with God and Man:

Lord, I pray today for spiritual connection with You and mankind so that I can be found pleasing in Your eyes. I ask that You help me to walk in Your goodness, grace and mercy while walking in agreement, harmony and unison to Your divine purpose and will for my life. I will continue to live a life that is pleasing to You. Today, Lord, I decree and declare in the name of Jesus that I walk according to Your power as it work in me. Father, please help me to have the same mind as Christ while be united in Your spirit. So, that I can be more sympathy to the needs of others. I choose today to remain tenderhearted and thoughtful to my fellow brethren. In Jesus, name. Amen!

12. A Prayer for Uncommon Favor:

Lord, I pray for uncommon favor that Your kindness, acceptance and the benefits flow from river of comfort, compassion and consideration. I realize that Your uncommon favor is not about CLASS but CHRIST; uncommon favor is not about GRADE but GRACE of GOD in addition to uncommon favor is not about DEGREE but GOD’S DECREE. Thank you Lord, for Your uncommon favor that open doors and keeps those doors open even against the “snares of life” and the “wiles of the evil one”. It’s all under Your divine power and authority. In Jesus, name. Amen!

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