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Unmasking The Jezebel Spirit


Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit, Chapter Four, covers Spinning the Web of Deceit, there is no church is too great, too healthy, or too pure to be exempted from an attack by a Jezebel spirit. The greater the church, the greater the assurance that those with a Jezebel spirit will seek to gain influence and power. Unless the pastor, the leadership team, the intercessors, and prophetically gifted individuals exercise their responsibility and withstand this spiritual attack. A Jezebel spirit can be found in any church or denomination. It is not confined to one particular church affiliation. Although, the religious semantics and levels of impact that a Jezebel spirit may exert will differ from setting to setting, yet the basic characteristics remain the same. The Jezebel spirit works best when coupled with a person who has embraced an Ahab spirit, often found in men. Men can also move in a Jezebel spirit. Some may attempt to join with a work of God at high levels of church government, much like Absalom who appointed anyone who had a grievance. Absalom would hug and kiss people, thereby stealing the hearts of the people. “Moreover Absalom would say, “Oh, that I were made judge in the land, and everyone who has any suit or cause would come to me; then I would give him justice.” And so it was, whenever anyone came near to bow down to him, that he would put out his hand and take him and kiss him. In this manner Absalom acted toward all Israel who came to the king for judgment. So Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel” (2 Samuel 15:4-6). He convinced these people that his judgment would be fairer than his father, David.

No church is too great, too healthy, or too pure to be exempted from an attack by a Jezebel spirit. The greater the church, the greater the assurance that those with a Jezebel spirit will seek to gain influence and power – unless the pastor, the leadership team, the intercessors, and prophetically gifted individuals exercise their responsibility and withstand this spirit attack. A Jezebel spirit can be found in any church or denomination. It is not confined to one particular church affiliation. Although the religious semantics and levels of impact that a Jezebel spirit may exert will differ from setting, the basic characteristics remain the same. Not all who succumb to a Jezebel spirit consciously set out to destroy their church or to gain power over their pastors and elders. Many are simply deceived into believing they are more spiritually sensitive than others. They tend to assume they are always correct. Seldom are they aware their actions fall into a Jezebelic category.

Any prophetic leader carrying a true spiritual authority from God is a threat to someone who operates under his spirit. Since, a Jezebel spirit counterfeits the prophetic anointing in gifts, calling, and authority, a prophetic leader will become a target of a Jezebel spirit, as will a church in which the prophetic is held in high regard. A prophetic church and its leaders must realize that if the spirit of Elijah is going in return, so will its counter-spirit, the Jezebel spirit. This spirit also attempts to pervert potential young prophetic voices. This spirit seeks to lure them onto a supposed spiritual road that is actually a dead-end, so that they never fulfill the call God intends for them. Discrediting a prophetic leader through reason, strong opinion, and distorted facts are some tools employed by this demonic spirit. Ironically, the person who operates under a Jezebel spirit will have insights that appear spiritual even to those of the pastoral staff. The Jezebel spirit conquers by joining or making allies, to seduce and thereby conquer a prophetic leader someone with a Jezebel spirit will seek to gain favor. Because, we are kindred spirit, and this soulish tie will attack the prophetic leader’s mind, will and emotions. The person with a Jezebel spirit may attempt to take over the leader’s group. As the relationship deepens, the leader may feel as if he or she is being swallowed or suffocated by Jezebel. Some individuals with a Jezebel spirit form soul ties by praying and by laying hands on a prophetic leader, hoping to impart the seed of its spirit. Such people may not know they are imparting demonic touch, they may also want to pray beside a prophetic leader who is ministering to various individuals. They feel compelled to pray for others, but this urge is not from God.

A Jezebel spirit is ruthless and deceptive, even to the person who manifests this spirit. An individual with a Jezebel spirit often tries to become part of the church staff. If a position is unavailable, the individual may try to provoke someone to leave or seek their removal from a position. Lastly, Satan is crafty, whether it’s Naboth’s vineyard or a new spouse, a Jezebel spirit will stop at nothing until its goal is obtained. The Church at Thyatira was warned about these very issues, we too, are warned by the Holy Spirit about these issues still present in the Church even today. Some individuals with a Jezebel spirit form soul ties “by praying” and by “laying hands” a prophetic leader, hoping to impart the seed of its spirit. A Jezebel spirit will often cause prophetic people to run from their responsibility. Prophetic people simply need to remove themselves from relationships with those influenced by the Jezebel spirit and seek their own healing. A Jezebel spirit will target a pastor and the church staff, seeking to find the weakest link in order to sever it and gain favor in subtle ways. The more a pastor is blinded to Jezebel’s identity, the more likely he or she will fall prey and embrace the “gifted” person. Over time, it will become more difficult for a pastor to recognize that this individual operates with a controlling spirit that seeks to conquer the pastor and divide the church.

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