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Unmasking The Jezebel Spirit


Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit, Chapter Five, covers The Seductive Face of Jezebel, flattery is a primary tool used by someone influenced by the Jezebel spirit. flattery is often used to pry open a door to endorsement by church leadership. The demonic spirit that inspired Herodias to murder John the Baptist was the Jezebel spirit. “But when Herod’s birthday was celebrated, the daughter of Herodias danced before them and pleased Herod. Therefore he promised with an oath to give her whatever she might ask. So she, having been prompted by her mother, said, “Give me John the Baptist’s head here on a platter.” And the king was sorry; nevertheless, because of the oaths and because of those who sat with him, he commanded it to be given to her. So he sent and had John beheaded in prison. And his head was brought on a platter and given to the girl, and she brought it to her mother”(Matthew 14:6-11). The spirit of Elijah that rested on John the Baptist had once again threatened and challenged the spirit of Jezebel. Herod, who had an Ahab spirit was unable to say no to Herodias’ demands. Although, offering sincere compliments that edify others in the Body of Christ are good, flattery differs in its motive. Flattery seeks to gain approval and recognition from those in authority. This spirit only gives in order to get, stealing authority and favor that would rightfully have been given to someone else. Many pastors believe that a person with strong prophetic gift automatically possesses the same level of moral character. A person operating with a Jezebel spirit, as well as an immature prophetic individual can portray a very real and sometimes awesome prophetic gift but remain extremely weak in moral character. Such individuals will speak the same language as the pastor and leaders, but their motives will be to gain position, power and control. A Jezebel spirit, they may tell the pastor about the great things the pastor will accomplish, even building up false hopes and false expectations about his or her future.

Once the trap is set, the pastor will be told at precisely timed moments of weakness that there exists a danger to God’s plans; someone or something is holding the pastor back. It may be the pastor’s spouse, an elder or even another church member. Flattery can also become a catalyst for causing division, usually this ploy is accomplished through creating destructive “relational triangles.” In this triangle, Jezebel will befriend person “A” and person “B”. however, Jezebel will slowly convince person A that person B does not like him or her. Then, Jezebel will appear as a peacemaker who has deep desire to see each one succeed, by pitting each one’s gifting or wisdom against another’s this individual produce will jealousy, strife, and contention, even in the strongest of relationships. A Jezebel spirit strategically affiliates with others in the Body who move in spiritual realms, such individuals realize that those who are spiritual are looked upon favorably. An individual with a Jezebel spirit shares that favor through strategic affiliation. This individual mount his or her campaign to win popular and pastoral endorsement in his or her bid for growing influence. Someone with a Jezebel spirit tends to infiltrate intercessory groups, this persona will try to control the content and direction of the prayer. A Jezebel spirit begins to counterfeit true prayer leadership. The energy given to prayer will seem to increase, this energy will begin to dissipate, and energy derived from soulish passion will always be short-lived. Only that which is born of the Spirit of God will be maintained by God’s Spirit and bear fruit that remains. If left unchecked, this takeover will bring so inevitable end to the intercessory group. One-by-one, individual will be drained of the desire and the grace to pray. The watchman in God’s house will be scattered and the church will be left unprotected. A demonic coup will have taken place, too few, in leadership will notice the spiritual chill that now blows through the church, though all are affected by it.

Tactics intended to frustrate the Kingdom of God will come easily to those operating with a Jezebel spirit. They seek recognition by trying to manipulate situations to their advantage. Oftentimes, they borrow dreams and revelations that God has given to others, presenting them as though God had given them the revelation. Every situation will be subtly manipulated to cast a favorable light on the individual operating with a Jezebel spirit, thus bringing attention to the schemer rather than to the Lord. As this spirit’s roots, take deeper hold in the person’s soul, righteous and redemptive fruit eventually become non-existent. When an individual with a Jezebel spirit is put in a leadership position, he or she will try to create an impression of walking on a higher spiritual plane than most. Others may feel less spiritual or intimidated, when they are around this person, yet this ploy creates an emotional dependency in others. feeling spiritually inferior, they will seek our the Jezebelite for spiritual guidance. Some may try to pull away for this spirit but find it difficult to pull away from the person, but those who choose to stay will usually comply with the Jezebelite’s demands rather than face being ostracized.

Once joined to this spirit, believers who are weak or easily intimidated will find it difficult to remove themselves from the grip of the Jezebelite. Once the individual with Jezebel spirit receive recognition, they respond initially with false humility. This ploy will serve to further entrap you and convince you of their spirituality. This misleading meekness will be short-lived, now false humility is actually a mask for deeply rooted pride and presumption. However, when these soulish predictions fail to materialize, a pastor’s faith is deflated as hope deferred makes the heart sick. “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, But when the desire comes, it is a tree of life” Proverbs 13:12. A dark cloud of depression may engulf the pastor, wo begins to fight the urge to detach from his or her congregation. The Jezebelite will have become entrenched in the church. Evicting this person or curtailing his or her usurped authority, would seem to bring about an exodus from the church, although it would save the church. If the pastor or leader knew what to do, he or she no longer can summon the strength to fight back. If the pastor or leader were to address the situation, he or she thinks that would risk making his or her leadership look foolish simply because the pastor or leader was the one who placed the Jezebelite in the leadership position.

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