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Unmasking The Jezebel Spirit


Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit, Chapter Seven, covers Uncovering the Roots, a Jezebelite will believe his or her assessment of a pastor's or leader’s leadership is correct and attempt to launch a revolt. For those who operates wit a Jezebel spirit, rebellion is at the core of their being. Thinking they have heard from God, they exalt their will above God’s will, above pastoral or leadership authority that God has placed over them (Hebrews 13). Whenever our will is served by our desires, we are worshipping our self-interests, not God’s God equates rebellion with witchcraft, which is defined as power gathered by the assistance of evil spirits. “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He also has rejected you from being king.” (1 Samuel 15:23). It makes a little difference whether an individual is cognizant of the evil spirits influencing him or her. in Scripture, Jezebel was distinguished by witchcraft (2 Kings 9:22). So, it should not be surprising that a Jezebel spirit operates through witchcraft (rebellion), even in the early stages of this spirit’s rule in someone life. The spirit of witchcraft imposes its will by manipulating others. At the heart of such actions is an attitude of irreverence – devaluing an individual who is made in God’s image. This spirit also portrays disrespect for the preciousness of the human will. God gave us the gift of free will and God Himself does not violate it.

A person can be a Christian and operate in the spirit of witchcraft without realizing it. This spirit has long been hibernating in the Body of Christ. It operates through some of the Lord’s chosen vessels. Even mature prophetic or intercessory individuals can periodically operate under the influence of this spirit, if there are doors that remain open through old wounds. Evidences of these wounds not being healed would include struggling with feeling overlooked, undervalued, or rejected. Or struggling with bitterness, criticalness and anger. Individuals who operate in varying levels of rebellion and witchcraft have destroyed man churches. manipulative control is strengthened with each successful endeavor. Full of self-pity and pride, and individual’s soul is endangered by deeper demonization. In the case of Jezebel, her use of manipulative control resorted to murder. Not only is witchcraft displeasing to God, it hinders relationships in which honesty is vital. They will employ artful, unfair, or insidious means to gain advantage and achieve their goals, thinking their cause justifies their actions.

Rebellion, in all its forms, has been several roots, one of which is bitterness. Bitterness opens a door by which a Jezebel spirit slithers into a person’s soul undetected. Often, it takes hold in our lives when we feel we are being overlooked for recognition or honor. Self-pity sets in and people, knowingly or unknowingly, begin to seek ways of getting attention to display the gift they believe they have. Bitterness resides our soul, because it is a mental stronghold linked to selfishness and pride. Bitterness may be directed toward God or anyone whom God endows with authority. Since bitterness often is a reaction to a perceived injustice or to unjust authority, it will provoke a person to react against all authority, it will provoke a person to react against all authority, whether just or unjust. It deeply can damage people and lead them to lawlessness. A root of bitterness will produce varied fruit, a root of bitterness is contagious. A bitter spirit will infect the spirit of many others.

The spirit of pride is also unlike the heart of Esther, who humbly entreated her authority to hear her petition. Because, of her meekness, her cries were heard, and a nation was saved. Jezebelic pride is the antithesis of humility. In Scripture, Jezebel is portrayed as glorifying herself and living luxuriously. This puffed-up spirit views meekness and humility as inherently worthless and debase. This spirit despises subordination to authority because to be submitted to authority would require a sacrifice too great to offer. Today, women who strive for power, position, and rule often unsuspectingly embrace an Antichrist spirit. However, these women fall into the snare of fulfilling the Zechariah’s prophesy. We are told to cleans ourselves at the root, which resides in our soul as well as in our spirit. “For observe this very thing, that you sorrowed in a godly manner: What diligence it produced in you, what clearing of yourselves, what indignation, what fear, what vehement desire, what zeal, what vindication! In all things you proved yourselves to be clear in this matter” (2 Corinthians 7:11). We must examine and deal with the motives or our hearts and severe the deep roots in our soul, particularly if we are to be involved in individual, corporate and national repentance. As a forerunner spirit, the spirit of Elijah will once again “make ready a people prepared for the Lord” (Luke 1:17b). as we make ready for His coming, we need to lay the axe at the root of our fleshly natures (Matthew 3:10) and bear fruit worthy of the Lord.

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