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Unmasking The Jezebel Spirit


Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit, Chapter Nine, covers The Heart of the Matter, the Jezebel spirit is a treacherous impostor within the Church. It counterfeits the true prophetic gift, and it imitates and maligns the proper function of prophetic ministries. A Jezebel spirit is more deceptive, simply because it is less obvious to the untrained eye, and it parades on scriptural grounds. Although an individual given over to a Jezebel spirit may not practice the black arts of the deep secrets of Satan, they share the same clandestine, demonic roots with those in the occult. Individuals controlled by a Jezebel spirit often bear greater fruit, because their actions are more covert, and their roots become more entrenched before becoming detected. The Jezebel spirit because this demonic spirit mimics the prophetic gifts and callings of God. This spirit actually comes to destroy the prophetic gift. It works covertly and its activities are extremely treacherous. Individuals given over to this spirit often try to enhance and strengthen their power base by attracting and controlling others, acting much like a spiritual magnet. Sometimes the difference between an immature prophetic person and someone who operates with an immature Jezebel spirit is very subtle.

To discern the difference involves looking at the heart of the matter. A young prophetic person begins wit a heart to serve God. Those operating with a Jezebel spirit may have started out with a heart to serve God, but at some point, they have departed from that path into one of self-promotion. Individual with a Jezebel spirit, loving the acclaim of others, will often give themselves a title or seek after a leadership position. When this taunted revelation comes forth, it will lead astray those who are not in tune with the Holy Spirit. So, while the Jezebel spirit seeks to tear apart, the prophetic ministry seeks to serve and to encourage others and leave the hearer with a sense of hope. Demonstrating elitism, they will regard a certain position as being “the most anointed” and dismiss another as being “less anointed” or as not having a voice in the church or in spiritual matters. They will become zealous to market their gifts and broaden their sphere of influence. Often such individuals will not consult the Lord abut where and when to minister. Those with a Jezebel spirit chafe when corrected, but those operating under the Holy Spirit will repent. Jezebelites will rebel against any authority that does not agree with them. This unchecked rebellion will open the door for other evil spirits to infiltrate them, their followers, or even an entire church.

Church members who seem indifferent or complacent to this rebellion will end up serving as pawns in a demonic game of win or lose. Tragically, the end result will usually be a church split. Lawlessness is a term used to describe people who are not restrained or controlled by the law, especially God’s Word. The leader of the end-time rebellion, the Antichrist, is called the man of lawlessness. By speaking against God’s established leaders, you are sowing seed for your own destruction. A heart dedicated and consecrated to the Lord honors the spiritual authority that God has established. A heart that rejects that authority allows lawlessness to influence perceptions and decisions. Lawlessness results in unfruitfulness and unanswered prayers. It causes us to ask amiss and for personal benefit. “You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures” (James 4:3). Lawlessness causes us to curse men whom God has made, inferring that God was unaware of whom He was making. God give us the choice of becoming a vessel of honor or of dishonor – to be mightily used of God or to be cast away from His presence. “But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honor and some for dishonor. Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work” (2 Timothy 2:20-21).

As individuals approach an intermediate level of demonic entanglement, their purposes will become more cunning and deliberate. These individuals will try to control the actions of friends, families and churches. Whenever, false humility, lies, and flattery do not bring about the expected esteem and recognition, these individuals often resort to anger, condemnation, accusations, and domination. If, their strong will and insubordination are not dealt with, Jezebelites will rebel against any authority that does not agree with them. In addition, they will counsel others to rebel against pastoral and leadership authority – often presenting those who disagree with them as being spiritually blind or naïve. This unchecked rebellion will open the door for other evil spirits to infiltrate them, their followers, or even an entire church. Your willingness to submit to those in authority does not mean that you cannot have different ideas. You can experience great diversity in the midst of great unity. Once a course of action has been taken by leadership, however, you need to support their decision. If you find yourself questioning the direction taken by leadership, then seek another church that lines up with your ideals and calling. Furthermore, when making that change, do so with grace and humility, not with discord or strife. Otherwise, Scripture says it will be “unprofitable” to you. “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord,Like the [a]rivers of water;He turns it wherever He wishes” (Proverbs 21:1).

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