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Unmasking The Jezebel Spirit

Kimley Dunlap-Slaughter


Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit, Chapter Ten, covers the Preparing to Minister to the Wounded, confronting this spirit is not as easy as it may seem. It is hard to diagnose, due to its many faces. One minute, it can appear prayerfully submissive and the next it can act body and brash. Or it may simply appear to be concerned for the well-being of the church. Like an octopus wit eight spindly arms, this spirit is a nightmare is dislodge. A leader or pastor can’t feel intimated when encountering with a Jezebel spirit, there is a danger that lies in being tempted to react defensively and to misuse your power. Those who are going to address the Jezebel spirit operating through a person must first pause and assess their own spiritual condition. If you are feeling any jealously, strife, envy, or malice toward a past or present authority figure. Such feelings may lead you to overact to the Jezebel spirit. Until these attitudes are overcome, addressing a spirit of insubordination and rebellion in another cannot be fully or powerfully accomplished. Individual with a Jezebel spirit will often mirror a pastor’s or leader’s manner of operation. If the pastor or leader is self-promoting, such individuals may feel the freedom to promote their own gifts and abilities.

Suspicion, strife, and vain imagination about potential conflicts will tempt a pastor to eradicate anyone who seem unsubmissive. However suspicion, strife, and vain imagination are spirits of witchcraft. If a pastor or leader is tempted to operate in these ways, such spirits may obtain a foothold in him or her. If the leader is domineering, individuals may see this a granting permission to maintain the upper hand at all times with others. whenever we use our soul to conquer another’s soul, we fail to get God’s needed counsel to gain victory. Only be exercising the fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control – can the power of the soul be conquered. A spiritual touch can produce eternal change in another. Trying to use the soul in this manner will bring disaster to a pastor or leader, his or her family, and the church. A pastor or leader must keep in mind that he or she is dealing with dark powers. This battle is not merely with a person. The enemy’s success distorts our thinking and produces a spirit of fear, suspicion, or accusations in our hearts. The Jezebel spirit operates under the power of the soul.

When you are ministering to others, you will need to encourage a person who has repented from using a Jezebel spirit to continue taking new steps froward. He or she must be encouraged to keep renewing his or her mind, learning to recognize and adopt God’s way of looking at things. All areas of rebellion will need to be addressed. In an attitude of meekness, amends will need to be made in order to close the door to future inroads by the enemy.

Suggested Steps for Confrontation:

Seek counsel about any personal blind spots or weakness you have from those who are spiritually mature.

Pray before you speak in any confrontation.

Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal hidden issues.

Ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom to discern what is spiritual, by discerning what demonic spirits the individual has embraced.

Avoid becoming angry at all costs! Keep calm. Do not overact or make the issue larger than it is.

Do not ignore the problem! It will not disappear.

From the moment a problem is suspected,

document all third-party information. During a confrontation, always have someone in the room with you.

Confront each issue with grace, but with firmness and candor. Be specific. You must explain the problems.

Get permission from third parties to use all testimonies, along with their names, in the


Tape record the meeting. Be sure to let the

individual know that you are taping the meeting.

If you follow these suggestions, be prepared for Jezebel to repent and apologize with great passion. Many times, Jezebel, whom you thought had repented, recoils and strikes again with greater vengeance. If that happens, simply repeat the above process of confrontation. If the person will not hear you the second time, then you must remove him or her from the church.

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