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The Parable of the Sower

Second Soil – Stony Place (Rocky Ground):

The parable of the sower gives a lot of insight concerning evangelism. The second kind of soil in this parable is called the “stony” ground believer. They receive with joy the seed of the word of the kingdom; however, because of stones (shallowness of their life), the seed fails to root itself deeply in the soil of their heart. Consequently, their sudden growth in the truths of the kingdom withers away and no fruit is brought forth. The stony ground believer typifies the average Christian who is excited over the truths concerning the coming kingdom when they hear and understand them; but unwilling to pay the price necessary to inherit the kingdom. The second type of soil is the seed that fell on rocky ground. Some seeds fall on stony places, where there is little or no soil for the roots to take in sufficient nourishment for the plant. Initially, they appear to grow quicker because, with less soil to grow through, it does not take them as long to reach the surface. When the sun grows hot, however, the sprouts wither away, the result of insufficient root systems. Stony ground, having little or no soil, has insufficient nourishment for seeds to root and grow into a healthy plant. Initially, they appear to grow quicker because, with less soil to establish a root system, they expend their energy in producing the stem and leaves.

Since the ground was shallow the seed started to grow quickly. However, the soil could not sustain growth because there was no depth to it. So, the seedling, when trying to weather the sun with no resource for moisture, withered quickly because it had no root system. Plowing allows a farmer to turn over the soil and remove all the rocks. But even if they can pull out a lot of the stones, they can’t account for soil that's just too hard–packed for seeds to make any headway. If the ground is too rocky, there’s no way for the plant's root to sink into the ground for the nourishment it needs. These people fall away when they start experiencing pain and resistance. Maybe it's because they believe that following Jesus should put them above opposition and unrest, or perhaps it's because they just don’t know how to place their trust in Him. Either way, they’re unable to develop the root system they need to sustain them when life gets complicated. “These likewise are the ones sown on stony ground who, when they hear the word, immediately receive it with gladness; and they have no root in themselves, and so endure only for a time. Afterward, when tribulation or persecution arises for the word’s sake, immediately they stumble” (Mark 4:16 –17). When the sun grows hot (representing the light of God's truth exposing them, or trials and persecution testing them), however, the sprouts wither away, the result of inadequate root systems.

Stony ground has soil, but it isn’t good enough for seed to germinate and put down deep roots. The stones block root growth, preventing plants from growing roots large enough to support much fruit. As Christ said, anything that begins to grow in stony soil lacks a deep root system and quickly withers and dies from the heat. It produces no fruit. Christ continued His lesson, talking about seed that is sown among thorns. Thorns can grow just about anywhere: in poor soil, rocky soil and in good soil. In Jesus’ day people didn’t have sophisticated herbicides. Today we can spray these on the soil and they prevent virtually all weeds. Without thorns or weeds, we can have grain and other crops growing unhindered by the unproductive plants. Nothing is around to compete with and “choke” the life out of the good grain. As it can be seen, the stony ground is composed of people who hearing the Word, receive it immediately and in fact with gladness. However, this does not last for long, for when persecution and affliction arises, these people, again immediately, fall away. As it is obvious, the problem that finally causes their fall is that they are very weak in persecution and affliction. Thus, when the devil brings such things against them, they immediately fall. The stony ground represents those who hear the gospel and feel titillated by its truth. Though their senses are excited, they have no depth of understanding that no rich soil in which it may take root and grow. While suffering anxiety from sin, they respond to the attractive offer of God's mercy. The truth offers them peace of mind, pardon from sin, and salvation with eternal life.

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