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Eight Types of Toxic People: You Must Let Go Of For Spiritual Growth and Development


Those Who Spread Negativity:

Watch out for those types who deliberately tear other people down. One day, they will tear you down too. Being around people, who complain all the time and always see the life as a glass half empty, is not only not fun, it’s also dangerous for you. If you hang out with these people too often, you are likely to develop negative thinking yourself or even get depressed. And we all know how important it is to focus on the positive to attract better things into our lives.

Negativity feeds of attention. So, don’t give negative people much attention. Keep things brief, if you have to listen to them don’t ask questions and don’t engage. Use “positivity triggers” to eliminate negativity. Anything that can help you redirect your thoughts. Steer away from conflicts. Don’t waste your time or energy in engaging in the drama. These people spread negativity like a contagious disease. Try to get vaccinated by avoiding them at all costs. These people get into a negative downward spiral and it is sometimes difficult not to get dragged down there. These are the people who are always anxious, worried, pessimistic, depressed and complain a lot. You need to get rid of them because if you want to live longer, a positive outlook will add years to your life.

Those Who Monopolize Your Time:

They can start with little things, but soon they will be taking the thing you’re most passionate about and making you feel terrible about it. You need people in your life that can tell you the truth and warn you if you are doing something wrong, but you don’t need judgmental people who will always look down on you. You will never feel free and comfortable to act like the real you around toxic people, and if you can’t be yourself around them. Remember that constructive criticism can help you grow. Being aware of shortcomings will make it easier to work on them and become an even more amazing person. Ignore false criticism. Know the difference between destructive and constructive criticism. If you stay detached and ignore unjustified criticism, it will have no influence over you. You must avoid fraternizing (associating) with people who don’t share your values. Prolonged association with those with false ideas can only tarnish your thinking. There is average of the five people you spend your time with. It has become such a cliché. But I don’t think that we truly understand the impact that other people can have on us, you have to be stingy with your time because its valuable to you and the Kingdom of God.

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