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Eight Types of Toxic People, You Must Let Go Of For Spiritual Growth and Development:

Kimley Dunlap-Slaughter


Those Who Play The Victim:

Those who always find someone to blame for the setbacks in their lives or their mistakes. They don’t want to take responsibility, and sooner or later they will end up blaming you too. These people are sometimes hard to identify at once. First, you will empathize with their problems and will try to help them. But their “time of need” will never pass. Toxic people will make you forget to see tough times as opportunities to learn and grow. Not to be confused with one who really has been victimized in life and who is seeking God’s peace and healing, this person is one who tends to feel they are constantly the victim. In every situation. All throughout life. They are always feeling taken advantage of, always needy, always telling you what another has done to hurt them, or how no one cares. They see themselves constantly as the victim and before long if you keep lending an ear; you may be the next one they feel victimized by. You will soon find yourself blaming the circumstances and failing to do anything to change them or your attitude. Sometimes it can be hard to tell if someone really needs help or just playing the victim.

Those Who Have a Destructive Personality:

This may seem obvious, but unfortunately, so many of us hang on to that person in our lives who just don’t care about us. It may be because we are just not ready to let go yet or because we are hoping something will change, but the reality is that there is no reason to keep someone in your life if they are not interested in it. This person is destructive to a element or to a negative pattern or behavior that has severely affected their well-being as a person. They need help. They need professional help and they need spiritual help. They need people who will be brave to speak truth into their lives and not those who will feed their habit, enable their actions, or ignore dangerous signs of compulsion and obsession. Recognize that this toxic pattern is bigger than just you. You are not to blame for the problem. But you can be the one who God uses to get them help.

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