There is a divine purpose and priority in prayer, all believers or Christians are called to lifestyle of prayer, but so many have come to see prayer as nothing more than calling upon the Heavenly Father as a butler who daily service their needs according to their every wish and foolish desires.
Prayer is an act of faith (trust) in God, you are called to for yourself, for others, for call the elders. Corporate prayer is the best type of prayer, which is a large circle, in which everybody holds hands and pray. Another big benefit of praying is that you feel God’s presence when you pray. You feel it when you pray by yourself, to feel His presence even more when you pray out loud in the company of others. When you trust God, He takes care of you, and when you pray, He answers us. If we don’t worry about the answers, you have peace in your hearts and in your life. Keep in mind that we don’t pray because you must, but because it is a privilege to come before the Father and make petition or request for your heart’s desires and needs. You pray because it will allow you to communicate to our Heavenly Father which is an honor and privilege.
The Priority of Prayer:
1. Prayer was the priority of Jesus’ life.
2. Jesus considered it more important than physical rest. 3. Jesus knew that talking with the Father took priority over His social activity or physical needs.
4. Jesus made prayer a priority over His physical appetite, He fasted for long periods of time, withdrawing from physical food to release spiritual power.
Prayer was the primary communication link between Christ and the Father, every major event and every minor decision in Jesus’ life was anchored with prayer. If, you are going to be like Christ or Christlike, you must follow His example of have a hunger and thirsty for an effective prayer life. Jesus didn’t pray because He was commanded too but because He wanted to be obedient to, united with and empowered by the Father. Prayer is to be your priority for those same reason.
Keep in mind that seven days without prayer or exercising prayer in your daily routine can make you a weak Christian that will be unprepared for spiritual battle and warfare. Prayer is the way we, the Lord’s branches can draw the nutrients we need from the Heavenly Father the Vine to produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives. And, you do this because, as believers, you understand the sufficient that prayer is in your family, our business and career, your ministry and churches and every aspect of your life, which must be your primary goal to survive against the attacks of the enemy and temptation of this world. Prayer in entering into relationship with God so you can determine His will for your divine purpose. It may or will help you determine His perfect will for your family, your marriage, your business, your ministry, your churches and your total well-being. Prayer is one of the most important activities in our lives because we’re actually talking to the sovereign God of the universe who has all power and knowledge.