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21–Day Intercessor Prayer Challenge

Listening is a Key Element of Intercession:

Many times, we don't hear God's directive because we have not inclined our ear to Him. The prerequisite to hearing is listening. Often, we are so busy talking ourselves that we can't possibly hear Him. While, He wants us to be so attune to His voice that we can even hear Him in the midst of a crowd. It has been said that God gave us one mouth and two ears because we need to listen twice as much as we speak. And, as we listen, we find that God's tone of voice changes just like ours does. Sometimes the Lord speaks with a loud thunder; other times He speaks in a still small voice. The Word commands us to keep on the alert; keep watching and waiting for the Holy Spirit to lead us to our greater purpose in life. When He calls us to intercede from someone, the Holy Spirit will reveal shortcomings and strongholds, which are special burdens, tactical plans of the devil; and the actions and prayer strategies to take. We must learn to identify His voice and to be compassionate and sensitive to responding quickly. Remember, listening gets better as intimacy deepens, and making known that even close relationships have times of silence.

First, God rarely speaks in an audible voice, this can happen, but it is not the normal way in which God communicates with His children. Keep in mind, that God is a spirit and communicates with you through the Holy Spirit within you. "And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever— the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you"John 14:16-18.

Second, He speaks through the Holy Spirit in the theater of your mind and through spiritual hearing, in the same way you use your natural mind and hearing. Time set apart for the Lord naturally develops into an intimate, loving relationship between you and Jesus. Many times, we have probably heard His voice and undoubtedly the Holy Spirit has given you impressions or pictures which you did not realize were from God. Men refer to the Holy Spirit's impression as a "gut feeling" and women call it "a deep inner sense or inner knowing."

Guidelines for Hearing the Voice of God:

Satan does not want you to hear God's voice because your partnership with the Lord can wreak havoc on his kingdom. Knowing that you will have to fight the enemy as you enter into your time alone with God will help you to stay true to your commitment. Below are the tools to help you win this spiritual battle:

Bind the voice of the enemy: When you pray, Satan will try to interfere. So before you start to pray, bind his voice, in the name of Jesus. Now, trust the Holy Spirit to lead you and guide you into all righteousness and truth.

Submit Your Own Will and Reasoning to the Holy Spirit:

Many times, your own will and reasoning get in the way of what the Spirit of the Lord wants to share with you or communicate to you. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

Turn Off Your Problems:

This isn't always easy, but it is necessary to true communication. Concentrating on your own problems forms a "static" that can interfere and bring confusion, causing a mixture of interpretation.

Give your undivided attention to God's Word:

Focus your mind on what He is saying; hearing is passive, while listening is active. This will require mental effort and attention. Satan will fight you on this because the more revelation of God's Word you have, the more of a threat you will be to the kingdom of darkness.

Limit Your Own Talking:

After you have petitioned the Lord, take time to be still and wait on the Lord. You do this in the same way you would carry on a conversation with a precious friend. You must listen more to the Lord than to your sub-conscious voice coming from your strongholds.

Write It Down:

Listen to your inner thoughts and ideas. The Spirit of the Lord will speak to you through impression or pictures in the theater of your mind.As you continue to pray and see the answers to your prayers come forth as illustrated pictures of reality.

Don't Argue Mentally:

When the Spirit of the Lord speaks, you may tend to argue with yourself. God will give you confirmation from previous times with Him, or He could be giving additional witness to His future plans. Wait for the Lord for the interpretation, so don't try to figure out impressions when you receive them. Wait upon the timing and wisdom of the Lord.

Don't Get Ahead of the Holy Spirit:

Keep in the mind, when the Lord shows or tells something, many can get excited and immediately began to share with others. The Spirit of the Lord isn't finished with us yet, Him develop the thoughts He gives you; wait until you know He is through.

Be Trustworthy:

The Lord will share with you as you share with a friend. He expects the same from you that you expect out of the one with whom you share your personal confidences. The more the Lord can trust you with deep and intimate things, the more He will entrust to you.

The Holy Spirit Speaks Through Music:

There are times in the morning when you can wake up with a song on your heart. There will come times when you will be able to listen to the Lord during the day, which could be the very key you will need to build your faith and lead you to victory.

The Holy Spirit is the One who leads us into God's truth, and when the Holy Spirit to speak. His voice is unique to each individual, thus, the more you understand the Holy Spirit's personality through you and others the more clearly you will be able to discern God's truth.

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