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Physical and Spiritual Detoxification – Session Two

Three–Fold Approach to Detox Your Body:

Natural Body Detox:

Does your body need to detoxify? Absolutely. Does it need your help? Yes and no. It needs you to provide the material it needs to get the job done proficiently and to keep every thing manageable. Then the body can handle cleansing on its own. What you put in your body accidentally and on purpose makes detoxification a necessity. It has to detox from bad foods, alcohol, drugs, heavy metals, chemicals, medications, and metabolic wastes. There are several ways to detoxify your body and different reasons for doing so. The body has natural body detoxification channels that store or eliminate toxins. You naturally and continuously detoxify your body through your lungs, skin, liver and organs of elimination. One of the very best ways to support your physical health is to reduce incoming toxins and provide nutritional support so these systems can do their jobs. It is easier to keep toxins out of your body than to get them out.

1. The body has natural body detoxification channels that store or eliminate toxins. You naturally and continuously detoxify your body through your lungs, skin, liver and organs of elimination. One of the very best ways to support your physical health is to reduce incoming toxins and provide nutritional support so these systems can do their jobs. It is easier to keep toxins out of your body than to get them out.Avoid putting chemical products on your body. Keep them out of your personal space.

2. Eat healthy organic food, limit unnecessary drug use, and quit smoking to limit chemicals you ingest. Also limit GMO foods, unhealthy fats and animal products.

3. Eat food and take vitamins and supplements that help your body detoxify.

4. Healthy colon cleanses and herbal cleanses for specific organ systems may help you detoxify your body by supporting and stimulating organs of elimination.

Body Detoxification or Purification:

Basically, detoxification means cleansing the blood. This is done by removing impurities from the blood in the liver, where toxins are processed for elimination. The body also eliminates toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymphatic system, and skin.

For long term positive effects, use a three–pronged approach to detox your life, inside and out. They are:

1. Remove and limit toxins, junk and clutter

coming into your mind, home and body.

2. Support for your natural detoxification systems.

3. Bring nurturing, healing thoughts, sounds and substances into your inner and outer environments.

As surely as toxins affect your body, negative thoughts, beliefs and behaviors poison your mental health by creating unhappiness and stress. You must realize and understand that as a whole being, a toxic body will disturb your emotional balance and mental well–being just as surely as a distressed mind compromises your physical health. That is why a life detox needs to be a routine part of living a healthy lifestyle. Unless you’ve given Christ free reign over everything, any effort on your part or mine to spiritually detoxify isn't going to go very far. When Christ isn’t at the center of it all, you leave way too much room for other garbage to come crashing in. You must learn how to stand guard and humble yourself before the gracious and forgiving God who loves you, confess your wrongs and truly allow Him to take control. It won’t be long before you notice the toxins fading away and your spiritual heath increasing as a result. And the value of that cleansing is worth far more than any physical detoxification could ever be because even the healthiest body is of little use to a soul that is dead or dying.

There are Differences Between a Detox and a Cleanse:

The terms cleanse and detox are often used interchangeably, and while they both remove toxins from your body, a detox and a cleanse are two on two opposite paths. The root of the word “cleanse” is clean, which is view as a way of cleaning one's body. Often a cleanse uses supplements or pills to eliminate substances directly and cleanses normally focus on the digestive tract. On the other hand, detox programs strive to support your body’s natural toxin and eliminating processes. Since the body’s main detoxing centers are the liver and the kidneys, good detox programs focus on supporting your liver and kidneys by giving them the nutrients and supplements they need to function optimally. Heavy metals including mercury are top of the list, which includes persistent organic pollutants, plastics, and pesticides. Basically, toxins are harmful particles that can stay in your body, irritating cells, causing inflammation, and interfering with your body’s normal functions. Signs of toxicity or a high toxic load (and thus the need for a detox or cleanse) include: fatigue, anger, headaches, joint pain, depression, frustration, anxiety and constipation. But there’s much more to detoxes and cleanses, in fact, season is important.

The purpose of a cleanse is to clear out the digestive tract. a cleanse is a way to support and enhance your body's natural detoxification system. By eliminating toxic, compacted fecal matter, parasites, and fungi, we can leave our bodies sparkling clean. In order to go about a cleanse properly, it is essential to clean up your diet and lifestyle (just like in a detox), which means more rest, some gentle and relaxing exercise, and a healthy regimen of herbal supplements to fully remove any toxic build up in your body. You will also need to eliminate “trigger foods” that can be common causes of allergies, sensitivities and digestive issues.

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