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Physical and Spiritual Detoxification – Session Four

Spiritual Detox Leads to Life:

While our flesh will never fully stop warring against our redeemed souls in this broken world, the more we live as ones aware of this tension, the more we can be used in life-giving ways. Not because less sin means we’re loved more, are better than others, or are more deserving of God’s grace, but because death to sin always leads to life and freedom. A spiritual detox, though potentially difficult at the time, enables us to more clearly hear the Spirit’s voice and see our Savior’s face. Whether in the loud storms, the drenching rains, or the contrary winds, we are able to press on for the prize with excitement in our hearts, by pursuing things unseen as we walk in the steps of our Lord. Like many other modern health care professionals, I believe that the mind and body are deeply connected, so your state of mind can have a profound effect on your heart and overall health. Therefore, emotional detoxing is just as important as physical detoxing for optimum health. Obviously stressful emotions like anger, anxiety, and depression make us feel terrible, but what is not so obvious is the damage that these emotions can have on our physical bodies.

Emotional and Mental Detox:

Emotional detoxing is just as important as physical detoxing for optimum health. Obviously stressful emotions like anger, anxiety, and depression make us feel terrible, but what is not so obvious is the damage that these emotions can have on our physical bodies. When you detox your life, mental detox is just as important as doing a body and home detox. How can you tell if you need mental cleansing? Observe your overall thoughts, actions, financial management and relationships. Are they conducive to living and enjoying a healthy, happy life? A toxic mind may be cluttered with negativity, angry thoughts that spill out as angry words, annoyances, guilt and stress. It might lead you to overspend on stuff you don’t need and can’t afford, cause low self-worth, or lead you to health-harming behaviors. It may churn and instigate conflict with others. Mental and emotional toxicity build up as you react and make choices about what happens in your relationships, your job and your lifestyle. Your health, eating habits, lifestyle choices, and finances all affect your emotional and mental well–being. It’s time to dump the trash that has been cluttering your mental thought patterns and intellectual thought processing. And, just like clutter that accumulates around the homes, are head trash has a way of building up in our mental psyche. In addition, our daily stresses, grudges, limiting beliefs, guilt trips, and excuses that hold one back and this will make us feel helpless and hopeless. You may be able to ignore your physical junk drawer, but your mental junk drawer is always with you, always influencing you. Head trash causes a level of stress you may not even be aware of. Pick just one or two thought patterns to upgrade and make it happen. If you feel really inspired to clean emotional house, do a “clean sweep” with the personal peace procedure. It will catapult you to greater emotional freedom and help you feel healthier, happier and energetically lighter.

Detox Your Life with These Emotional and Mental Purging Tips:

  • The body has natural body detoxification channels that store or eliminate toxins. Take control of your mental and emotional health. Take full responsibility for your thoughts, beliefs, responses and reactions. This is the first step in shifting them.

  • Deal with the stressful head trash that keeps you in a toxic thought cycle.

  • Reduce and eliminate bad-feeling emotions and thoughts. As a result of purging toxic head trash, your outlook on life will improve, your relationships will likely improve, and your mind and body will be spared the constant stress those thoughts and emotions produce.

  • Adapt a holistic approach to relieving stress so that your mind and body become more resilient and less likely to suffer from its toxic effects.

  • Bring in more of what uplifts you in your life. Listen to uplifting music, surround yourself with positive people, make time for what makes you happy, look for the silver lining in the clouds.

  • Destroy acceptable behaviors that come as emotional and mental clutter which can be seen as unspoken needs, unsatisfying relationships and everything you have tolerated in previous years. Toxic and unhealthy bonds will drain your energy, steal your joy, and keep you stressed. Challenge yourself to exterminate a few changeable annoyances and see how joyful you your life can be.

Although scientists are not entirely sure what the direct link between negative emotions and heart health is, research suggests that depression may increase inflammation and cause the blood to clot more quickly, which can damage blood vessels and thicken artery walls. And of course, doctors have long known that the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline increase blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugars. All of these effects on the body can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Delving deep into your emotions is no easy task, and you may find yourself feeling drained or coming up short when it comes to getting to the root of your feelings. A professional therapist can help you deal with your emotions in a safe and efficient manner, which will leave you with more time to focus on the good. In addition, close friends, family members, and loved ones can be invaluable support during an emotional detox.

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