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Physical and Spiritual Detoxification – Session Five

14 Ways to Detox Your Life To Walk In Spiritual Freedom – Part One:

There are many ways you can detox and declutter your home, your life, your body, your mind to enjoy and attract new energy and opportunity.

1. Mindfulness:

It helps you to slow down and live with intent, rather than rushing from one thing to the next which can overwhelm our minds and bodies. In order to incorporate mindfulness into your life, it’s time to remove negative people from your life. Get lost in a mindful task such as Reading the Bible and Mediating on the Word is a simple way in which you can detox your mind and give it space to take in pleasant thoughts and positive tasks.

2. Meditation:

Meditation helps your mind to relax and slow down to alpha mode, in which the brain state of deep relaxation. Taking even 5 minutes a day to listen to a guided meditation or to focus on your breath is enough to cleanse your mind and body and reset your state of peace and calm.

3. Judgement:

Both being judged and judging others, which is at the core of much of our discomfort many of our life blocks. Judgement is a reliable crutch when we feel hurt, insecure or vulnerable, but when we judge, our energy weakens, and our thoughts darken. Notice your thoughts for 30 days and eliminate judgement as often as you can. When you feel judgement coming up, of yourself or of others, take a deep breath and let it go.

4. Negative Self Talk Detox:

Those caught up in negativity are more often than not their own worst enemy, particularly when it comes to their inner voice. Constantly berating yourself and your situation will never have a positive outcome, because all it does is perpetuate a negative mindset. Here’s where you can make an immediate, positive change. Instead of thinking, “I did a terrible job at work today, I’m no good at this”, think, “I didn’t do as well as I thought I would, but I know tomorrow I’ll make a better effort.” Speak to yourself like you would a best friend.

14 Ways to Detox Your Life To Walk In Spiritual Freedom – Part Two:

5. Negative People Detox:

Misery loves company, and so does negativity. Negative people can drag you down over time and you might not even realize it until it’s even happening until you have become emotionally drained or mentally frustrated. Everyone has been surrounded by negativity or a negative person. Now, try spending less time with them and see how you feel. If it’s a marked improvement, then move on from them for good. If it’s a work colleague or family member, and that’s not possible, then look at other solutions, you can try to contribute some positivity into these individual’s lives. It’s certainly worth mentioning that there’s a big difference between a negative person, and a person that happens to be going through a negative situation, so be mindful and prayerful of that possibility.

6. Rebounding:

Rebounding is a full body cellular and detoxifying exercise done on a small trampoline called a "rebounder". Our body’s natural inclination is to heal itself, internally. Because rebounding strengthens all cells of the body from the inside out, it helps to unlock the body’s power to heal itself.

7. Body Cleanse:

Every day you’re exposed to toxins, mostly from the food we eat, but negative emotions, bad habits, and environmental pollution can also contribute to the accumulation of these harmful substances. If you don’t take the time to properly remove toxins from your body, eventually you’ll start having problems with your health. But by following a cleansing diet you can eliminate free radicals, which cause disease, and also help your body function more efficiently and perform its necessary functions at an optimal level. To get started it’s a good idea to avoid consuming any of the following foods: gluten, grains, dairy, and sugar, and increase your intake of fruits and raw vegetables, as well as brown rice, nuts, sea salt, and olive oil.

8. Intermittent Fasting:

The main reason that intermittent fasting works for weight loss, is that it helps you eat fewer calories. All of the different protocols involve skipping meals during the fasting periods. ... In this review, intermittent fasting was found to reduce body weight by 3-8% over a period of 3-24 weeks. When done properly, might help extend life, regulate blood glucose, control blood lipids, manage body weight, gain (or maintain) lean mass, and more. Intermittent fasting stimulates the body to maintain and repair tissues and has anti-aging benefits, keeping every organ and cell functioning effectively and efficiently.

9. Unhealthy Food Purge:

Detox diets range from total starvation fasts to juice fasts to food modification approaches and often involve the use of laxatives, diuretics, vitamins, minerals and/or ‘cleansing foods. Detoxification starts in your liver. While it’s a complicated process, your liver essentially does this in two phases. First, it converts toxic substances to highly reactive metabolites and then excretes these toxins. Your kidneys, lungs, and even gut also play a role in detoxification. Toxins can impact these organs both acutely and cumulatively. More dangerous are the persistent, low-grade toxins such as residue you consume regularly in conventionally grown fruits and vegetables. Reactions aren’t immediate, and you might not see the connection between chronic low-grade toxicity and struggling with weight loss. Whereas a healthy body can optimally detoxify, so many things we confront daily: the food we eat, the air we breathe, and prescription drugs can make those toxins accumulate, overwhelming your body’s defenses.

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