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Physical and Spiritual Detoxification – Session Six

14 Ways to Detox Your Life To Walk In Spiritual Freedom – Part Three:

10. Juicing:

Giving the body a rest from solid food and nurturing it briefly with easily digested, nutrient-dense juices can improve health by healing the body and renewing the body, mind, and spirit. For us, no wellness tool stands out more for its ability to repair and renew the body in a short timeframe than clean eating and juice fasting. If you are on a juice fast, drink raw fruit juices such as apple, grape, and pineapple, which are excellent sources of necessary natural sugar to stabilize blood sugar and keep energy levels up. Orange and grapefruit juice are also good, but they are not recommended for arthritis or allergy sufferers. Monitor juice acidity carefully as it can cause canker sores (mouth ulcers). Raw vegetable juices such as carrot, celery, beet, or green vegetable combinations are excellent as well. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices can be made in a juice extractor or purchased ready-made (be sure to buy juices without any added sugars). Some of the benefits of drinking raw juice versus bottled are that it does not stimulate digestion (hunger) and it maintains all of its enzymes and nutritional value.

11. Drink Lemon Water First Thing In The Morning:

Drink plenty of water (drinking at least half of your body weight in ounces of water per day is a good rule of thumb whether you are fasting or not.) As a rich source of vitamin C, lemon juice protects the body from Immune system deficiencies. Drinking lemon juice with warm water every morning helps in maintaining the pH balance of the body. With its powerful antibacterial properties, also lemon juice helps fight infections. Acts as a detoxifying agent. A cleansing glass of lemon water each morning can improve your digestion, support your liver and boost your immune system. Just squeeze half a lemon into a glass of water and drink. Lemon juice is very acidic, so you should use a straw to prevent damage to your enamel.

12. Drink A Detoxing Herbal Tea:

There are lots of herbal teas with cleansing properties. Milk thistle, peppermint, ginger, nettle, sarsaparilla and dandelion are just a few examples. Making herbal teas throughout the day is a good way to drink more water, and it might help you to quit coffee too. Eating foods that are organic and avoiding pesticide and chemically laden foods is one way but another great way to help to detox your body bit by bit is by drinking certain teas. Drinking detoxifying teas can help remove the buildup of those harmful substances.

A. Red Clover Tea –

Red clovers ability to detox comes from its high antioxidant compounds. Antioxidants give your body some serious backup when it comes to killing off those free radicals that cause us so much damage to our bodies. Traditional Chinese medicine uses red clover to remove toxins from the blood and liver. This flower is also an excellent expectorant, which means it can also clear the lungs of toxins and phlegm. Red clover is also highly nutritious as it contains vitamin C and many of the B vitamins.

B. Burdock Tea –

It has powerful detoxifying benefits and this herb has been used for hundreds of year for blood purification purposes. This root is a powerful diuretic, so it helps the body purge toxins through the urine. Burdock root strengthens the body’s immune system while it purifies the blood. It also improves liver function and the digestion process, which helps your body become more efficient at ridding itself of toxins each day.

C. Milk Thistle Tea –

Milk thistle has many benefits to the liver, which is what does a great deal of the detoxing in your body and when your liver isn’t in top notch condition, this can affect the whole body. Any detox plan you undertake should always have your liver in mind. Milk thistle is also great for your digestive system, so you can help your liver remove toxins from within your body, and then allow your digestive system to kick them out of your body. Milk thistle extract is so powerful; it can actually help those with liver diseases. Be sure to choose a tea or extract that has at least 80 percent silymarin.

D. Cayenne Pepper Tea –

Cayenne pepper stimulates your circulatory system by opening up the capillaries, regulates your blood sugar, and helps with your digestion. It’s also a great way to kick start your metabolism, that’s the energy you are going to be feeling all day long. Cayenne pepper might make your nose run but that’s not a bad thing. It will help your body detox by removing more toxins through your phlegm and mucus.

E. Garlic Tea –

Garlic is very effective at cleansing the body and giving it vital nutrients while supporting the liver function so that your body can naturally detox itself more efficiently.

F. Ginger Tea –

Ginger tea is a superior cleansing root and when brewed up as a tea, it’s a tart little pleasure. Even though ginger might be a bit strong to your taste buds, it’s actually very gentle on the body, so you can feel comfortable about drinking it several times per day or long term. Ginger helps to cleanse the body by stimulation digestion, improved circulation, and sweating out toxins. It’s also great at removing a buildup of toxins and waste in the colon and liver.

G. Cilantro Tea –

Cilantro detoxes the body by working on your digestive system so it can remove those toxins through your urine and bowel movements. It is linoleic acid and cineole, both of which contain powerful anti–arthritic and anti–rheumatic compound ds, as well as another compound called “dodecanal”, which is twice as strong as most antibiotics at fighting infections and removing dangerous microbes from the body. Cilantro is well known for removing heavy metals from the body as well.

H. Chicory Tea –

Chicory Tea helps your digestive system remove toxins in the body by increasing the amount of gastric juices and revving up your entire digestive system. can help regulate your metabolism, and fight gall bladder disorders. It’s long been used to treat liver dysfunction and is often recommended for those suffering from jaundice. It has powerful detoxifying agents and has a decongestive effect on the sinuses. It’s also excellent at removing toxins through an increased urine output as it is a natural diuretic. Chicory also stimulates the bowels so you will remove even more toxins and excess waste in the body.

I. Dandelion Tea –

Dandelion raises the amounts of enzymes that are known to help detox the body. It can even help remove carcinogens, which are substances known to cause cancers, so this tea is definitely one you should consider adding to your daily diet.

J. Fenugreek Tea –

Fenugreek Tea is made from the seeds of the fenugreek plant and it is also known for regulating blood sugar levels by slowing the rate at which sugar enters the blood stream. Fenugreek tea is also a powerful laxative, so while it’s great at removing excess waste and toxins through the bowels.

Drinking any of the above detox tea on a daily basis is a great way to help keep your body in tip top shape. Doing detox programs two or three times per year is still recommended but these will help you with day to day maintenance, so toxins do not build up in your body and get so out of hand that they cause you problems.

13. Natural Plant Based Diet:

A detox program to a natural plant–based diet can help the body's natural cleansing process by: stimulating the liver to drive toxins from the body, promoting elimination through the intestines, kidneys, and skin; improving circulation of the blood, and refueling the body with healthy nutrients, and much more. There are so many benefits of a natural plant–based diet, from increasing energy, lifting mental fog, less stress, sleeping better, sharper brain, tummy troubles vanished, new hunger for life, improved motivational energy. Eating whole plants such as grains, nuts, and fruit, studies have shown that populations with mostly plant-based diets have longer lifespans. Cutting out alcohol, processed foods, meat and dairy is a great place to begin, and it need only take a few days to experience the benefits of a plant–based diet. Avoid animal products such as meat, fish, and dairy, in which populations that eat mostly animal products have higher rates of chronic disease. Avoid processed, artificial foods that these foods can be high in sugar, sodium, trans fats, and preservatives, and are stripped of original nutrients. Avoid added fats and sugars, rich, fatty food and sweets offer no nutrients and create addiction–like cravings.

14. Technology Fasting:

A digital fast is not easy to start. Pay attention to your behavior, emotions and desires. A fast can be an incredible opportunity for the Lord to show you deeper things that you would not have noticed otherwise. We are bombarded with facts and figures from dawn till dusk. When constantly looking at our phone we can become distracted and not fully present with others. During your digital fast, look for ways to connect with others. Have a conversation over lunch or sit in front of someone and give them the gift of your full attention. We’re simply addicted to technology and media that we can’t leave home without our smartphone or sit at home without the TV or radio bathing us in ideas and information. So, in order to truly detox your mind, body and soul, physically unplug from your technology. From mobiles, TV’s, air conditioning, lighting, take it back to basics and rejoice in some simplicity and brain space.

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