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Physical and Spiritual Detoxification – Session Nine

Detoxify or Ridding Your Spirit Man and Soul from Contaminated Toxins:

Your body must run clean on the inside, and it will do everything in its power to cleanse itself continuously. Disease occurs when cleansing gets behind on the job and cannot keep up with the toxins it needs to expel. Subsequently, health begins in our hearts and works its way out, we need to begin the process of health by detoxifying our hearts. “Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life” Proverbs 4:23 (NKJV). You wouldn’t intentionally eat or drink a poison that could harm or destroy your body. Yet you may be consuming poison that’s hazardous to your soul without even realizing it. Toxic attitudes, behaviors, and cultural influences that you allow into your life daily or even unknowingly can put your soul in danger. You can’t avoid contact with such toxins in this fallen world, but you don’t have to be contaminated by them. You can detoxify your soul and start experiencing the pure life that God wants you to enjoy.

Learn How to Identify the Enemy Deceptions and Replace them with God’s Truth –

Keep in mind that everything that you allow into your mind and life has on impact on how you grow or don’t grow spiritually. The little choices that you make every day add up to a significant effect on your soul, so, take your everyday decisions seriously. You must examine your life for toxic: behaviors that can cause harm to your spiritual effectiveness and distract you from God's purposes for your life, emotions or feelings that lead you away from God’s truth, and consumption such as media that will you consume and people you spend time with. Ask God to give you the wisdom you need to discern which of all of those are toxic to you. They are designed by God to run on faith, hope and love. "And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love” 1 Corinthians 13:13 (NKJV). Any opposite of faith, hope and love is a toxin in our hearts and damages our health. It is highly unlikely that any amount of good nutrition or exercise will overcome the negative effects of a toxin in your heart. “For my life is spent with grief, And my years with sighing; My strength fails because of my iniquity, And my bones waste away” Psalm 31:10 (NKJV).

Uncover Your Hidden Sins -

Hidden sin will destroy your life, your peace, and even your health. The Bible says to confess your sin: tell someone and reach out for help. When your spiritual closets are clean, the heaviness from hidden sin will lift.“When I kept silent, my bones grew old, Through my groaning all the day long. For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me; My vitality was turned into the drought of summer. Selah. I acknowledged my sin to You, And my iniquity I have not hidden. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,” And You forgave the iniquity of my sin. Selah.” Psalm 32:3–5 (NKJV). The Bible encourages us to draw close to God and allow our hearts and bodies to be cleansed. This is the first step in our spring–cleaning project. We can’t clean ourselves. Instead, we must draw near to God and ask Him to do the cleansing. No sin is ever hidden from God, no matter how much you may deny it in your life or try to hide it from other people. God knows all of your sins and chooses to love you anyway, and He is always hoping that you will confess and repent of your sins so you can keep growing spiritually. So regularly confess your sins (to God and other Christians) and repent of them so you can receive forgiveness and healing.

Detox Your Actions:

Purify Your Thoughts Before You Put Them into Action –

Because, spiritual battle are ultimately either won or lost in the mind, it’s crucial to pay attention to what thoughts you focus on. Your thoughts shape what kind of person you become. If you think unhealthy thoughts, you’ll become an unhealthy person. But if you think healthy thoughts that reflect God’s truth, you’ll become more like Jesus, as God intends you to become. Regularly pray for the ability to view the situations you encounter as God sees them so you can have the right perspective on them. You must daily ask the Lord to show you which thoughts that enter your mind are unholy and displeasing to Him. Whenever you identify wrong thoughts, take action to replace them with right ones. Choose to focus only on thoughts about what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy. Spend time meditating on God’s wonderful qualities; the more you think about God, the more peace will enter your mind.

Choose Positive Words and Avoid Negative Words – Spiritual cleansing requires deep cleaning it is housekeeping that goes beyond what others see and hear. It’s a cleansing from within, inside and out. As your heart gets clean, your language should follow. This is not just talking about bad language, but also negative talk and pessimistic thoughts that contradict the Word of God and faith. This includes the challenge to stop complaining.“A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks” Luke 6:45 (NKJV). Recognize the incredible power of words to bring about either good or evil. Positive words create and heal, while negative words harm and destroy. So, throughout each day when you’re speaking or writing, choose to communicate positive words to others as much as possible. When you hear the words that other people communicate to you, carefully analyze them to determine whether or not they actually reflect what’s true – and if so, embrace them, but if not, reject them.“Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world” Philippians 2:14–15 (NKJV). Do everything without complaining or arguing.

Also, pay attention to your negative self–talk, you should ask the Lord to help you maintain positive words within your mind. When the world is weighing heavily on my soul, your first instinct is usually to retreat. You may want to pull away from the heaviness of the worldly affairs, but push forward, so don't forget that God’s way may not be end of the storm but it may be giving you the strength to row through weariness of life. So, if God is your rock and your strength, you shouldn't be paralyzed by the cares of this life. Anger, doubt and frustration are natural human emotions which can motivate you to take action, without consulting the Lord. However, if your anger, doubt and frustrations are not channeled properly they can be the leading cause of health and psychological problems, violence and even divorce. Learn how to control and keep your emotions in check or else they will control you. The truth about his love should lead us to action. Not that we must never rest, but contrary to the world’s ceaseless message of self–focus and self–care, we are told to give up our own battles, rest in Christ, and use his strength to fight for and serve others, so that they can enjoy the rest and peace we’ve been given. When we purge ourselves of pride and sin, our actions have the potential to bring great hope and healing. “Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it” (Psalm 34:14).

Act intentionally to shun the evil that is near, while searching out the good to be done. Our deeds will have eternal impact when directed by God’s word, in love for God’s glory, and in the strength and grace of Christ. Initiate the pursuit of peace, for we know its source. “Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute” (Psalm 82:3). Over and over throughout the Psalms, we are commanded to be the natural protectors under God of the weak, the poor, and the oppressed. Since they often have no one to defend them, we are to see that right is done for those who need an advocate. “Keep steady my steps according to your promise, and let no iniquity get dominion over me” (Psalm 119:133). May not just our life, but our daily life, not just our paths, but each of our steps to be habitually obedient to God’s will. For this is how we brightly reflect God’s glory, even in the small, seemingly mundane spaces through which we are led. The Lord must order our steps, clearing the sinful nature that obstruct our way, for we have no hope of properly arranging them apart from him. Fast and pray in order to humble yourself and purify your worship. In fasting we are not trying to get something from God but seeking to realign our hearts’ affections with His. In fasting we can more readily say, “We love you, Lord, more than anything in the world.” Lust of any kind is perverted worship but fasting enables us to cleanse the sanctuary of our hearts from every other rival.

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