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Physical and Spiritual Detoxification – Session Eight

What Natural Interventions May Help the Body Detoxify?

Basically, detoxification means cleansing the blood. This is done by removing impurities from the blood in the liver, where toxins are processed for elimination. The body also eliminates toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymphatic system, and skin. However, when these systems are compromised, impurities aren’t properly filtered, and the body is adversely affected. A detox program can help the body’ natural cleansing process by:

Resting the organs through fasting; stimulating the liver to drive toxins from the body; promoting elimination through the intestines, kidneys, and skin; improving circulation of the blood; and refueling the body with healthy nutrients. “Detoxification works because it addresses the needs of individual cells, the smallest units of human life,” says Peter Bennett, N.D. (co–author of 7–Day Detox Miracle with Stephen Barrie, N.D., and Sara Faye.)

Vitamins -

Deficiencies in vitamins A, B2, B3, B9 (folate), C, and E are linked with decreased phase I activity and can slow the metabolism of certain drugs. B vitamins are also particularly important as cofactors in phase II reactions.

Minerals -

Deficiencies in iron, calcium, copper, zinc, magnesium, and selenium have been shown to reduce phase I enzymatic activity.

Methionine and Cysteine -

The reduced glutathione for GST conjugation requires adequate dietary sulfur-containing amino acids (methionine or cysteine) for activity.

Flavonoids -

Several flavonoids have demonstrated mild inhibition of multiple CYPs in animal models (which can help when phase II enzymes are overloaded); these include genistein, diadzein, and equol from soy, and theaflavins from black tea.

Green Tea Extracts -

Tannins from green tea can increase CYP activity in vivo, but also increase phase II activity (GST and UGT).

Sulforaphane -

Sulforaphane, an isothiocyanate found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables, is among the most potent natural inducers of phase II detoxification enzymes.

D–limonene -

D-limonene has some chemopreventive activity due to its induction of phase I and II enzymes. D-limonene has been shown to increase total CYP activity, intestinal UGT activity, and liver GST and UGT activity.

N-acetyl Cysteine (NAC) -

NAC can provide sulfur for glutathione production. It is effective at reducing oxidative stress, particularly due to heavy metal toxicity.

Milk Thistle -

The milk thistle derivative silymarin promotes detoxification by several complementary mechanisms. It can act as an antioxidant to lower the liver oxidative stress associated with toxin metabolism, which conserves cellular glutathione levels.

Artichoke -

Artichoke and other plants and vegetables can stimulate bile flow, which is essential for toxin excretion. A variety of natural products have been shown in vitro or cell culture to directly increase activity of phase II enzymes; these include epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), resveratrol, curcumin and its metabolite tetrahydrocurcumin, alpha lipoic acid, alpha tocopherol, lycopene, gingko biloba, allyl sulfides from garlic, among others. Other natural interventions that may be helpful for detoxification include calcium-D-glucarate, chlorophyllin, probiotics, and derivatives of quercetin.

Eat plenty of fiber, including brown rice and organically grown fresh fruits and vegetables. Beets, radishes, artichokes, cabbage, broccoli, spirulina, chlorella, and seaweed are excellent detoxifying foods. Drink at least two quarts of water a day, made easy by bringing our 32 oz. Stainless Steel Wide Mouth Water Bottle with you everywhere you go. Take deep breathes allowing oxygen to circulate more completely through your system. Transform stress by emphasizing positive emotions. Practice hydrotherapy by taking a very hot shower for five minutes, allowing the water to run on your back. Follow with cold water for 30 seconds. You should do this three times daily, and then get into bed for 30 minutes. Sweat in a sauna so your body can eliminate waste through perspiration. Dry–brush your skin or try detox foot spas/foot baths to remove toxins through your pores. Special brushes are available at natural products stores.

The Liver:

Cleanse and protect the liver by taking herbs such as dandelion root, burdock, and milk thistle, and drinking green tea. Take vitamin C, which helps the body produce glutathione, a liver compound that drives away toxins.

The Kidneys:

Drinking fruit juices, vegetable juices, broth, or just plenty of water will remove many toxins via the kidneys.

The Lungs:

If strength permits, walk half an hour during the day to help cleanse the lungs. Also do some deep breathing throughout the day by inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth.

The Skin:

Since one–third of the waste products eliminated during a fast are removed via the skin, adequate bathing is essential. Use a natural bristle body brush or loofah sponge on your skin prior to bathing, to help cleanse the skin.

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