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21-Day Matters of the Heart Challenge: Opening Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

I am needing Your to guide my heart during these next 21 days, so that I can follow with a compassionate heart like Christ. Help me Lord to set aside a some meditation and prayer time every day to thank God for the goodness, grace and mercy that is centered around all Your benefits and blessings. Help me too long too have a more sincere heart that is willing to walk in the spirit of forgiveness and understanding. Lord, help me to accept that if I'm not willing to forgive others of their transgressions against me, then You will not forgive me of my transgressions, and this will also hinder my prayers. Lord, I pray that you will give me increase endurance and strength to continue to run this race wit perseverance; so that I don't become weary in willing doing. Because, You said in Your Word that the race is not given to the swift, but he that endures into the end. Lord, help me to allow the Holy Spirit to take residence within my heart; so that I can increase my faith while overcoming my daily adversities, challenges, struggles and trials. I admit that I have had many oppositions that have pervented me from walking by faith, instead I've been walking by what I can see. I desire that my life from this very day forward will be the evidence of unconditional love; so that I can exhibit the fruit of Your Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control with others.

I ask that the Holy Spirit will help me to walk in the freedom of righteousness, so that I will longer desire to walk after the desires and temptations that present themselves from my old behavior, character and nature. Lord, it is my heart's earnest desire to walk according to Your purpose and will for my life. I ask that the Holy Spirit continue to remind me of what I should be doing whenever I become distracted from my true destiny, I ask that He will being conviction into my heart and mind so that it will help me not grow weary in well doing. Lord, help me to not return to my old character or nature that leads me farther away from You. I pray today that You will continue to keep me in Your arch of safety, that You will continue to keep me in close in You bossom protecting my heart from great hardship and heartache. I pray, Lord, that You will continue to be my Heart Regulator that is guarding to from future disappointmens, failures and distresses. Lord, pray this all in the Mighty and Wonderful Name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

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