Prayer is allowing God to fundamentally change your heart and mind, because God is the One, we speak to, listen to, serve and worship with His children to daily devotion of prayer. In each encounter God you must submit and allow the Father to work on changing your heart. This is the only way that a heart of stone is going to be broken, renewed, restored and softened to that it can become a heart of flesh. Hearts of flesh are hearts that are vulnerable, which unlike hearts of stone that are defended, well guarded and protected, this heart of flesh feel both pain and joy. Because a fleshly heart can feel pain and sorrow, we often find ourselves wondering if we would be better off with kept the stony heart.
There are many who do not like to be vulnerable (defenseless and helpless), for there is no other way to experience love. Love is vulnerable and lays down its rules of protection and safety. Unconditional love exposes its tender side that longs for humility and respectful intimacy. Love grieves with those who grieve, rejoices with those who rejoice and cares for one’s neighbor as oneself. Our vulnerable longing to give and receive love is the deepest truth of all about who we are. This longing exists in each one of us with a caring, tender and powerful longing that God desires to unearth in us. It is to awaken and free this longing that God offers to replace our stone hearts with hearts of flesh.
The miracle of this heart transplant, which this radical change in us has to take place as we are exposed to God’s unconditional love, unmerited favor to God’s enduring authority toward us. And, over time, we begin to experience our vulnerability in a different way. We see the flesh-hearted life for what it is: a life of Love. It is in repeated encounters with God’s vulnerable, active love that our own hearts begin to soften and break open.