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Faith over Fear 8-Week Challenge: Day 10

Week Two:

It’s Necessary To Choose Faith Over Fear:

How to Choose Faith Over Fear:

Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10 NIV). When we listen to God, he rewards us. It is far easier to listen to Satan’s loud lies, than to God’s still, small voice. So we’d better get really good at hearing from God.

As the world responds to the coronavirus outbreak, we’re seeing schools and stores close and social distancing become normal. It’s an unsettling and scary time for many, as we navigate how to stay healthy and protect those that are dishearten and vulnerable. Jesus lived in a time when there was a constant state of fear. It was not an easy time to be living in Roman occupied Israel. They had many of the same emotions that we face today with the uncertainty of the Covid-19, Coronavirus pandemic. As people all over the world experience fear, this is a time for Christians to step up in faith, to believe God, and see transformation take place. As we face this current storm of the coronavirus pandemic, it is helpful for us to keep in mind that Jesus is in control. He’s in the storm with us and He’s not panicked at all. We may not be in control of this storm, but we know who is, and we know that He loves all His children.

There is a difference between faith and fear:

If we want to choose faith over fear during the COVID-19 pandemic, we need to clearly understand what it means to either partner with faith or fear. Satan likes to speak into our distress, pain, difficulties, and stresses to trap you in fear and uncertainities. In stressful times like the global coronavirus outbreak he wants us to partner with that fear and do crazy things like act racistly or selfishly stockpile more than we need. It’s actually pretty simple: It’s all about who you choose to listen to. When you hear God speak, you get revelation from Him. My definition of faith is acting on that revelation. In faith or fear, you’re listening to someone. But you get to choose who. The curse of listening to Satan leads to death, poverty and destruction. Hebrews 11 is a great passage about maintaining and sustaining faith:“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6 (NKJV). You won’t perfect this on this earth, but you can get pretty close because you are not doing this alone. God is with you.

Living by Faith Overcomes Immature faith:

We all know taht the Christian walk begins with faith in Jesus for the salvation of our soul, however, faiht is not one-time act, it’s a lifelong path. The faith of new believers is immature adn often restless because there isn’t yet a deep understanding of the Heavenly Father. Nevertheless, when trials come, the tendency is to look at the problems rather than at God. But, as we spend more time studying His Word and growing in our knowledge of Him, our confidence in the Lord begins to increase. The more we learn what pleases Him, the wiser our prayer should become. Another way faith matures is through trials, howeve, in today's passage, Jesus’ disciples became frightened in a storm and cried our to Him for help. We can relate to this at one time or another, we all have found ourselved in a desperate situations wit no way to extricate ourselves. Faith or fear - what will it be for you? Mental health during a crisis isn’t something to take lightly. There are a variety of things you can do to care for your own personal mindset, but one important element is finding a correct definition for what you’re feeling. Anxiety is a feeling worry, being uneasy and unnerved about a particular outcome, lost in the unknown and unsettled. Depression is a dark place of despondency, often accompanied by sleeplessness, a severe lack of motivation, a feeling of hopelessness and no escape. If you’re experiencing severe and unrelenting anxiety, symptoms of depression, or regular panic attacks, we urge you to seek professional counsel asap. Mental health is critical during this tumultuous time.

Direct Correlation between Faith and Fear:

In fact, I believe that there is a direct correlation between faith and fear. The less faith you have, the more fear you have. The more faith you have, the less fear you have. If you struggle with Christ’s death and resurrection, the hope of eternity, in which you’re likely to be in fear over what you see taking place in this temporary world.When your faith deepens, the fear begins to dissipate as you rely fully on“the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you”. “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you” Deuteronomy 31:6 (NKJV). Many of us, though, are experiencing regular bouts with day-to-day anxiety as it relates to COVID-19 and the current circumstances of being under a stay-at-home order. These feelings come and go, take you on a rollercoaster, might transform into a panic attack, or perhaps devolve into a sense of peace as you take rest in just existing in the simplicity of home. Working through generalized anxiety can be assisted by taking steps to deviate away from the negative influences. News, media, conspiracy theories, etc. can weigh us down and truly add gasoline to the fire of worry. But there are also practical, COVID-19 specific things you can do to alleviate some of your anxious thoughts. If you spend significant time digging into the Word and take His words to heart, you will recognize how much God cares for us and does not want us to be fearful regardless of what we are dealing with. You will have to choose to believe what He says, not what you think. This will take time, but new circumstances will always provide opportunities for choosing faith.

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