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Faith over Fear 8-Week Challenge: The Faith/Fear Test

(STOP) We have to remember that life is full of tests such as math tests, driving tests, aptitude tests and countless others that every student will have to face at one point or another. However, a test can or is designed to measure one's performance, that comes with a gauge of understanding that will determine whether a person has mastered a particular skill. On the other hand, when it comes to our spiritual lives, we are not exempt from being tested. Consequently, Satan throws out all kinds of “tests” or “challenges” or “circumstances”, in hope that we’ll take the bait and give him access to our personal, personal and ministry lives. Daily He introduces various types of fear to test our faith. The Bible repeatedly commands us to not fear, which comes in the form of worry, anxiety and various phobias. It is Satan’s primary weapon, and he responds to it the way God responds to faith. He uses fear to challenge the promises of God and steal hope from Christians. The Fear Test measures whether you’re operating in the hope of God’s Word or not. If you’re in fear, you’re not in hope and can't experience God's reassurance. If you’re not in hope, you’re not in faith. If you’re not in faith, you’re not in love. It’s easy to see how Satan can use fear to hinder many Christian lives. So, when the Fear Test comes to your life, do you pass or fail? If you haven’t been making the grade in this area, take this tutorial on how to pass the Fear Test. Answer these questions, and you’ll learn how to take authority over fear, trust in God’s love and promises, keep the devil under your feet, starve fear, and feed your faith!

Question 1: Are You Taking Authority Over Fear?

Perhaps you fear for the safety of your children, and you are constantly worried and full of anxiety. To pass the fear test, take authority over the fear by standing on Psalm 91 and the many other promises of God that promise their well-being. Put your hope and faith in God!

Question 2: Are You Trusting in God’s Love?

Love is a powerful force. It causes our faith to work (Galatians 5:6, KJV), it keeps us in line with the Word of God (John 14:21), and it keeps us out of the devil’s trap of fear. When you believe and trust the love God has for you, you won’t be afraid to get your hopes up and put your faith in His Word. If you trust in His love for you, then you will believe that He wants to prosper you. You’ll believe He will heal your body. You’ll believe that He will protect your children. You will believe the Love.

Question 3: Are You Fully Persuaded?

"" Romans 4:21 (NKJV).

When you are fully persuaded of something, you can’t be moved from it—no matter what anyone in the world says. When you take a stand on the Word of God, Satan will immediately come and challenge those promises with every fear tactic he can come up with. He sends people who speak unbelief, circumstances that seem to be going in the opposite direction, bad reports, discouraging thoughts—you name it! But let’s not forget for one moment—he’s a liar.

Question 4: Are You Allowing the Devil Control over your anxiety and fear?

" " John10:10 (NKJV).

The entire mission of Satan is summed up in three words: steal, kill, destroy. That’s why he uses the fear tactic so often. He will use thoughts and circumstances to see if he can get you to give him just an inch by causing you to be in fear.

Many people believe taht it’s harmless to worry. They even feel irresponsible if they don’t. But worry is the same as fear. If you give the devil even an inch by worrying, he will plant that seed of fear in you, and it will only grow when you entertain his threats of the future and his boasts about the past. Before long, you will begin to believe Satan’s lies rather than the truth of God’s


Question 5: Are You Feeding Faith and Starving Fear?

Fear is just like feeding wild animals, it can become very dangerous. The same is true of fear. Fear is only dangerous if you feed it. When you starve it, it becomes smaller and smaller until it doesn’t even exist in your life. It works the same way with faith, too. In order to pass the Fear Test, you need to feed faith and starve fears. So, the next question on the test is, how do you feed faith? With the Word of God (Romans 10:17). Put it in your eyes and in your ears on a continual basis. Feed your spirit daily hot meals of God’s Word, not just one cold snack per week. Let God’s Word become the final authority in every area of your life.

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