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2023 Women of Excellence 3-Day Women's Empowerment Workshop

Motherhood is a gift from the Lord–one of the ways we can glorify and serve Him. It also offers many opportunities to grow in our understanding of God’s mercy, love, and grace. Motherhood is sanctifying, but it is also sweet. Scripture teaches mothers to point children toward Christ by praying for them, modeling faith and character, and training them in wisdom (Proverbs 1:8, 22: 29:15). “Mothering is the gospel lived out as you hold your child’s heart in beauty, prayer, and patience. It’s not the big decision, but the little ones, trusting God through it all” - Elizabeth Hawn. This will be a great opportunity for you to receive some great awakening of truth from some motivational and seasoned women of faith. They will bring you empowering and refreshing Word from the Lord through divine revelations and spiritual insight through personal experiences and testimonies how to trust in God during your journey with effectual and fervent prayer while maintaining joy and sustaining peace that surpasses all understanding. This Workshop will be like no other, it 's going to above the norm, from our Daily Lectures, Group Discussions of Women of the Bible, Bible Trivia Prizes, Daily and Nightly Door Prizes, the Famous Purse-onality Challenge Giveaway (Grand Prize, 1st and 2nd Prize Winners); Women of the Bible Giveaways and so much more. "As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend" Proverbs 27:17 (NKJV).

Throughout Scripture, mothers appear. God’s love and advocacy for women shines through the Bible, as women are given dignity, respect, attention, and responsibility in start contrast with the cultural norms at the time. Motherhood is spoken of throughout Scripture as a high and important calling. God uses the metaphor of mothers to describe the ways He loves and cares for His children. This Empowerment Workshop is going to be a spectacular event with limited seating. So, make sure to book your room early and confirm your participation for attendance with our Early Bird Registration starting now. You can book your hotel accommodations at any time on or before April 29th by 5:00 p.m., you must make sure to register for the Workshop separately in which will guarantee a workshop seat. The 3-Day Women’s Empowerment Workshop Registration will begin December 14th, which you can use the Group Code: WOG, at the attached link below to book your Hotel Room:

You can also call the hotel directly (919) 233-1798 & request a room in the Women of Excellence Block and use the group code: WOG. If you're local, you can also register to attend and not stay at the hotel if there’s workshop seating availability. The 3-Day Women’s Empowerment Workshop Registration will begin January 15th, you can contact K. L. Slaughter Ministries, Inc. at (954) 649-1516 via text or voice message to receive detailed information regarding workshop registration cost and payment instructions.

Throughout Scripture, God often granted motherhood to women who were barren or otherwise unable to conceive. At many points in Jesus’ lineage, God intervened to give an infertile woman a child. Consider Abraham’s wife, Sarah; Isaac’s wife, Rebekah; Hannah, the mother of Samuel; Elizabeth, the mother of John, and of course Mary, the virgin mother of Jesus. Registration for the Workshop begins now and ends April 27th. However, we can't guarantee that there will be room availability, so make sure to book your hotel accommodations as soon as possible. Your hotel accommodations will guarantee you a workshop seat. This event is for kindred spirit women of like faith that are walking in the spirit of holiness and righteousness while maintaining the spirit of unconditional love. And, we want to empower, encourage and equip other women of excellence while they are living out their divine purpose according to the will of God in Christ Jesus.They are disappointed when her family is broken. They feel lonely when children are not with them. They cry, and their tears fall with love and compassion. They feel pride when children make them proud. They are the backbone of a family. "Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work”– C. S. Lewis.


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