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DAY 8: Learning To Activate The Power of Prayer – Introduction

There is incredible power and potential in prayer. Through prayer, we invite the God of the Universe into a situation and into our lives. Prayer changes things, but even more prayer changes us. Through prayer, we have the opportunity to reach our full potential in Christ. The disciples said to Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray.” As we grow in our prayer life, we become more alive and more engaged with what God is doing. None of us are perfect at prayer, but as we take steps to grow spiritually in our prayer life, the impact is incredible. God will move mountains and God will transform us into people of love, joy, and peace through prayer. Let’s become people of prayer and a church of prayer together.

Right now we are in a battle for America and all around the world. The harvest is ripe, and Satan knows that his time is short. He is doing everything he can to steal, kill and destroy. We must pray. We must encourage everyone around us to pray. We must shake awake those who are asleep. We must become radical and passionate in prayer. Prayer is the answer. When we pray, we are empowered to reach the lost. Then we take action with the power of God. God rules through His body, the praying Church.

Faith activates our power and so does prayer. “When we pray, we have the power of Jesus at work within us. Our lives as Christians are lived from a place of acknowledging the power in Jesus’ name: “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus.” Whenever someone invoked the name of Jesus but was unsuccessful in wielding power, they had “attempted to perform miracles in the name of Jesus without placing their faith in Him.


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