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DAY 9: Learning To Activate The Power of Prayer – Part 1

Jesus knew that in order to develop faith and for it to uphold us, we would need help: “the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you” “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you” John 14:26 (NKJV). When we receive Christ as Savior, He gives us this intercessor, living in us and working through us. It’s not enough just to try and be like Jesus – power does not come from imitation. With the help of the Spirit, we not only have the power but we also know when to use it and how.

There is power in prayer. Prayer is inviting the God of the Universe into a situation and our lives. God has the power. So many times, we try to fix a situation ourselves, when all along God’s power is available. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is available to His disciples. God gave us His power and then sent us out to be His witnesses. We are called to pray, go, and serve. And we do this in His Name, with His power and locking arms with His people. We are truly better together. Jesus taught us to pray this way and to live this way.

Prayer is the most powerful weapon you have, so you want to practice putting it into action for your life and for those around you. It’s not a magic wand, but it is the foundation you need to stand strong no matter what storms come your way. Authoritative intercession and heartfelt repentance is key to breakthrough in America. By exercising our authority in prayer and standing strong in God’s truth, we are working together with Him to determine the future of our nation. We have authority in prayer to actually see our personal lives and the lives of others change. We can pray authoritative prayers for our neighborhoods and cities. Certain things in history will happen through our intercession if we pray the way God wants us to pray. We can change nations through prayer if we choose to use this mighty weapon.

The power of prayer is waiting for you to ask and receive. God has provided everything for us if we pray. We can have all we need. Most of us have not realized the power there is in prayer. We are not asking. All we have to do is reach out by faith and ask Him to touch our lives, our cities, and our nations. When we tap into his resources by faith and pray, miracles happen. When we exercise our authority in prayer, God answers in a powerful way. There is a strength and power in prayer that the Church has not yet known or realized. God remembers every prayer we pray, and every one of them prayed through the power of the Holy Spirit has effect on earth.

When we meditate on the word and speak it, we are activating God’s power. God’s word brings life and creates a spiritual mindset that changes us and the world around us (Romans 12:2). As you put these mighty, scriptural prayers to work in your own life and in the lives of those around you, you will see God moving and activating his Word. You no longer need to feel helpless in the face of difficult or painful circumstances. You no longer need to miss God's blessings for you and your loved ones. You can pray with power! Nothing is more powerful than God. The faith helps to learn how to activate and produce power in prayer, which will lead to fruitful and optimistic results in our lives as well us others around us.

God’s power was being made perfect in her weakness, and through this platform God demonstrated his love and transforming power to those around us. Prayers and confession of Scripture are two of the most powerful weapons we have in life. Break the powers of darkness and release the blessings and favor of God in your life today.Break the powers of darkness and release the blessings and favor of God in your life today.


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