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Embracing Who You Are Becoming All God Created You to Be - Prayer

Join Women of Excellence Network Group over the next 12 days for our Embracing Who You Are Becominng All God Created You to Be Challenged from December 6th - 21st.

From the beginning, God chose and created you to become something amazing. When others are uncomfortable with themselves, they’ll hide themselves–and from that fear-based place they may ask us to do the same, hiding who we truly are because that makes them more comfortable. But we don’t have to play into that pattern. In this episode, I’m talking about how to embrace who you are, despite the possibility of others criticizing or nudging you to show up in the ways that work best for them. There are strengths, capabilities, and brilliance that are within all of us that can only come out when we decide that we will let ourselves show up, fully and bravely. It was His grace that drew believers to salvation, He called you out of darkness and usher you into His marvelous light through His goodness, grace and mercy. He adores His children so much that He sent His Son to pay your ransom, a price you could never pay. We are all created unique and special. God is the potter and we are the clay. He made us all perfect having our own uniqueness. God has a plan for everyone and we are all an individual member of the body of Christ. You are a masterpiece. As you grow more and more as a Christian you will truly see how special and unique God created you. "You did not choose Me, but I chose you andappointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Fatherin My name He may give you"John 15:16 (NKJV).


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