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Women of Excellence Rising Above the Norm Mother's Day Celebration Week - Conclusion:

Motherhood is sanctifying. God uses motherhood to teach moms more about who He is—faithful, loving, merciful, caring—even when we are not expressing those same things toward our children. As God is teaching you throughout motherhood, teach your daughter about Jesus all along the way. Be consistent with church attendance, introducing your daughter to other believers in Christ. Be involved with your daughter as she makes new friends and help her learn how to care and pray for others. Allow her to see you reading Scripture, doing Bible study, praying, worshiping, and serving others. A good Christian mother stays intimately connected with God so that she will keep a discerning heart. She’s willing to grow in knowledge through the reading of God’s word and absorbing truth from mature godly mothers. God grants her discernment in the lives of her children so that they may be specifically well-trained in righteousness. A mother who loves God with all her heart isn’t afraid to unconditionally love her children. She recognizes that her patience will be tried by disobedience, but it will never cause her love to regress in anger. Her love spurs confidence in her offspring since they never worry about loss of love due to bad behavior. A Christian mother isn’t necessarily better than other mothers; but rather she has special seasoning due to the presence of the Holy Spirit. The believing mother has a wealth of resources available to train, discipline, and love her children in the grace of God. “She watches over the ways of her household, And does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her” Proverbs 31:27-28 (NKJV).

The Christian mother actively engages the Word of God for every problem in the home. She meditates on the Holy Scriptures regularly as well as speaking and teaching them to her children. Her family witnesses her diligence and learns from her example to apply God’s teachings to their everyday lives. A godly mother resists the urge be discontented with her surroundings, children, or husband. She recognizes that the chasing of worldliness and riches will never bring her peace. Instead she trusts in the Lord to provide all her needs and grant her desires according to His will. Her trust in God is most evident during the difficult seasons of her life. The Christian mother is tempted like other believers to doubt the Lord’s hand over her life; yet she remains steadfast in His ability to take care of her and her family’s needs. She establishes a trust relationship with God that grows every day. Her faith will most certainly be tested in her roles of wife and mother. A godly mother will accept the trying of her faith so she can grow in perseverance. She demonstrates her faithfulness as she continues to mature in her relationship with God and others. There are many women in the Bible who are wonderful examples of a mother's sacrifice. “The older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things— that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed Titus 2:3-5 (NKJV).

The Christian mother is marked for her diligence and resistance to laziness or slothfulness. Her chief concern isn’t the perfect home, but rather a healthy home full of love, laughter, and order. She keeps her home free not only from physical clutter but watches for the spiritual and emotional clutter of worldliness. As a godly mother sticks to what is right in the eyes of God for her children’s spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. A Christian mother expects resistance and refuses to comprise righteousness for acceptance. While the Christian mother holds her children tightly around her heart, she releases them to grow in Christ at their own pace. She’s entrusted her prayers to God to protect and lead them in the direction of His will. Her influence and persuasion centers around the Lord’s will more than her personal preference for their future.

There is no such thing as the perfect mother, but the Christian mother continues to be perfected by the grace of God. She is invaluable to the kingdom of Christ due to her influence on the next generation. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, every godly mother is flavorful blessing to her children and children’s children.

In conclusion, Psychologically speaking, celebrating women will help to provide us with some form of solace. When we consider the unique ways our mothers affect our lives from the start, we will always find a reason to celebrate them. Our mothers play an important role in ensuring that we are safe in the womb. The mother also helps us connect better with the world. She provides a safe environment for our survival in the womb and also provides nourishment. “Many daughters have done well, But you excel them all.” Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, And let her own works praise her in the gates” Proverbs 31:29-31 (NKJV).

Dear Lord, bless every mother and every grandmother with the finest of your spiritual blessings today. Confirm in her heart and spirit the work of her hands and the love that she has so freely given to those children under Your care. Validate her worth daily, so she has no reason to doubt whether she is loved, valued, and cherished in the eyes of her Heavenly Father. Create in her a deep sense of your protection and trust, so that worry and fear will disappear as she places her loved ones into Your care. Let her know that every prayer she has prayed and every encouraging word she has spoken on behalf of her children/grandchildren has been transformed into sweet, fragrant offerings before Your throne. Whisper deep within her spirit the sweet words she longs to hear from You—that nothing can ever separate her from Your love. Help her to nestle daily into the promises of Your Word, standing with faith on the things You declare are true. Let her know that You reward faithfulness, but that true success doesn’t lie in her accomplishments or accolades. Let her rest in the knowledge that she has done all she can—and that she and those she loves—truly belong to you. Bless her with a servant spirit so she can teach her own the joy of hearing one day, “Well done!” Let her joy be contagious; let her passion be pure; and let her life overflow with all the blessings she deserves—on special days, and on every day of her life. In Jesus’s name, Amen.


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